I want to make an easy to use data storage module
It needs to use coroutines to avoid jamming, but when i use GetAsync inside of a function in the coroutine it’s status changes to suspended
I have tried a repeat loop to wait until it suspends, but that gets bypassed entirely by this bug I have included the relevant code
getOrderedData function
local function getOrderedData(dataStore: OrderedDataStore): (boolean, DataStorePages | errorType)
local attempts: number = 0
local success: boolean = false
local response: any = nil
local overallResponse: {[string]: number} = {}
success, response = pcall(dataStore.GetSortedAsync, dataStore, false, 1) --right when this line runs the coroutine suspends
if not success then
overallResponse[response] = overallResponse[response] + 1 or 1
attempts += 1
overallResponse = response
until attempts >= 5 or success
return success, overallResponse
getDataFromDataStore function
function module.schema.getDataFromDataStore(self: dataStore, key: string, default: data?): (boolean, data? | errorType)
if self.gettingStores[key] then return false, "this datastore is already being accessed, please try again later. if this is incorrect, please make a report to the developers" end
local coro = coroutine.create(function()
self.gettingStores[key] = true
local orderedDataStore: OrderedDataStore = DSS:GetOrderedDataStore(key.."/"..self.name)
local globalDataStore: GlobalDataStore = DSS:GetDataStore(key.."/"..self.name)
local attempts: number = 0
local data: string = nil
local success: boolean = false
local response: data | errorType = nil
local backup: boolean = false
local versionGotten: number = 0
local errorLog: {[string]: number} = {}
local orderedSuccess: boolean, response: DataStorePages | errorType = getOrderedData(orderedDataStore) --this is when the coroutine gets suspended
--i have trimmed out irrelevant code, i only have it up to where the problem is caused.
edit: yes i know this is similar to one of my previous posts, but that one got no help and some of the info in it turned out to be wrong.