What is the issue? I have a random generation script and I want parts to appear at the random position, but they tend to go partially inside the base part. I want to fix that and have the parts on the base part instead.
Here’s the updated code, it works but it’s still a little bit off the ground. How do I fix that?
local function WallsCreation()
local RandomX, RandomZ = math.random(BackSide, FrontSide), math.random(RightSide, LeftSide)
local RandomVector = Vector3.new(RandomX, 100, RandomZ)
local Result = workspace:Raycast(RandomVector, Vector3.new(0, -100, 0))
if Result then
if Result.Instance == Carpet then
local Wall = Assets:WaitForChild("Wall"):Clone()
Wall.Parent = workspace
Wall.Anchored = true
Wall.Position = Result.Position + Vector3.new(0, Result.Position.Y + (Wall.Size.Y/2), 0)
local function WallsCreation()
local RandomX, RandomZ = math.random(BackSide, FrontSide), math.random(RightSide, LeftSide)
local RandomVector = Vector3.new(RandomX, 100, RandomZ)
local Result = workspace:Raycast(RandomVector, Vector3.new(0, -100, 0))
if Result then
if Result.Instance == Carpet then
local Wall = Assets:WaitForChild("Wall"):Clone()
Wall.Parent = workspace
Wall.Anchored = true
Wall.Position = Result.Position + Vector3.new(0, Result.Position.Y + (Wall.Size.Y/2) - (Carpet.Size.Y/2), 0)
Wall.Orientation = RandomOrientations[math.random(1, #RandomOrientations)]
local function WallsCreation()
local RandomX, RandomZ = math.random(BackSide, FrontSide), math.random(RightSide, LeftSide)
local RandomVector = Vector3.new(RandomX, 100, RandomZ)
local Result = workspace:Raycast(RandomVector, Vector3.new(0, -100, 0))
if Result then
if Result.Instance == Carpet then
local Wall = Assets:WaitForChild("Wall"):Clone()
local FixedY = (Result.Position.Y+(Carpet.Size.Y/2)) - (Carpet.Size.Y)
Wall.Parent = workspace
Wall.Anchored = true
Wall.Position = Vector3.new(Result.Position.X, FixedY, Result.Position.Z)
Wall.Orientation = RandomOrientations[math.random(1, #RandomOrientations)]
Is your ground totally flat? In one picture, it looked like one edge of the block was closer to the ground than the other, or maybe it was just an illusion.
I am sure you already said this in the Wall.Position = pos + Vector3.new(0, Wall.Size.Y / 2, 0) that you mentioned earlier so it should work hopefully.