This was mainly created for my tech group which normally requires the game creator/developer to purchase the given gamepass in order for the model to function
Oh, I thought it was a LocalScript in StarterGui. Not sure if something along the longs of this will work:
local id = 7835985 –
if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name == “Scxipted” and game:GetService(“MarketplaceService”):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(script.Parent.UserId, id) then
– script
I’m attempting to make it so it can be fairly difficult to be leaked, Instead of leaking all the scripts I’ve placed it in a module but I’m attempting to achieve the module running only if the game creator owns the certain gamepass provided, CheckMeIn could be a good example of what I’m attempting to achieve.
No matter what you do, people can always work around the check for the gamepass. (And get the source code) Just something to consider before jumping into a project.