Correctly translate world position to motor position accounting for both C0 and C1

I have a world position CFrame and I wanna convert into a C0 to use on a motor 6d and I wanna correctly apply it so it appears in the right spot. I have tried

LS.C1 = FakeLeftShoulderCFrame:ToObjectSpace(Torso.CFrame)

But for some reason it’s not translating correctly and appears incorrectly. I know I am doing something wrong but I am not sure what.

The Transparent part is what I want the arm to line up with

So you want to change C0, but keep C1 constant? Or the opposite?

I’m fine with changing either one I just really wanna get this to work (currently I am changing C1) I am trying to emulate better arm movement so that animations don’t look really bad so looking at the transparent part is where I want the arm to be in its movement which’s cframe is FakeLeftShoulderCFrame

Checkout my tutorial for C1 and C0

I mean, if you can change both it becomes pretty easy, because you can zero out the other one:

LS.C1 =
LS.C0 = FakeLeftShoulder.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(Torso.CFrame)

Must be not understanding how ObjectSpace works because even with it zero’d out its still not working

Sorry, yeah, swap those around:

LS.C1 =
LS.C0 = Torso.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(FakeLeftShoulder.CFrame)
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