Correctly Uploading Images For Advertisements

Hi all,

I recently started experimenting with advertisements by using small quantities of Robux to see how they work. The first ad I ran used a skyscraper-type image(600x150) in .png format with a file size of 385 KB.

I ran into issues when my ad was displayed on the Roblox website. The thumbnail for my ad on the dashboard looked fine, but the ad shown on the website displayed like the following.

This is what the ad should look like.

I used a program to remove the extra lines that might have appeared on the transparent parts of the image which dramatically increased the size of it.

Please let me know if there is something wrong with my image making it not display correctly on the Roblox website and the parameters for uploading an image.
I would not like to keep wasting Robux trialing different versions of the same ad to figure out what does and does not work.

could htis be your internet causing this issue? THis could possibly be a roblox bug.

I’ve refreshed the Roblox home page 25+ times and every other advertisement loads fine. This seems like an issue that occurred on Roblox’s end.

I initially thought that there might have been a problem with my image having transparent pixels, but I have encountered a few images while refreshing Roblox’s webpage that seem to have the same effect. Though, I have not been able to confirm whether this is true.

I looked though YouTube, and I have not been able to find what may have caused this to happen nor do i want to burn my Robux trying.

I also get this quite a lot as well. It it’s most likely a hosting issue they never fixed.

Have you found a workaround or is it just trial and error? Is this something that only appears for the user uploading the ad or is it for everyone?

When i click on the preview picture of the ad on the “User Ads” tab of the old creator dashboard i get the same result. Is this a clear indicator of how my ad will look to others?

I appreciate any feedback you can provide on this. It all seems very mysterious.