Hello! I’m making a map generator for my game. I’ve tried to generate corridors as in the sense of it placing tiles and drawing around them, like an outline. However, I’ve encountered many issues, such as these tiles going off the allocated space, or colliding with eachother. It doesn’t show it in the image, but it is happening.
This is a current output:
I would also like the origin (the red part) to be in the center and expand the tiles from there. The gray parts are blank tiles, and the outline on the grid will be removed later, as it’s just a border for the main level grid.
The corridors are supposed to be 1 tile wide, as in 8 studs wide, as that’s my tile size.
Current Code: (i know it’s bad )
function ConstructHallways()
local blankTiles = {}
for i, x in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
if x.Name == "Blank" then
table.insert(blankTiles, x)
for i = 1, 4 do
local RandomTile = blankTiles[math.random(1, #blankTiles)]
local SizeX = math.random(3, 9)
local SizeZ = math.random(3, 9)
local InitialX = 0
local CurrentZ = 0
local CurrentX = InitialX
print(SizeX, SizeZ)
for px = 1, SizeX do
for pz = 1, SizeZ do
local NewTile = Tiles:WaitForChild("Floor"):Clone()
NewTile.Parent = workspace
if px == 1 and pz == 1 then
NewTile.Texture2.ImageLabel.ImageColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0, 0)
NewTile.Position = Vector3.new(CurrentX + RandomTile.Position.X, 0, CurrentZ + RandomTile.Position.Z)
for p, n in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
if n:IsA('Part') and (n.Position == NewTile.Position and n ~= NewTile) then
table.remove(blankTiles, table.find(blankTiles, n))
CurrentX += 8
CurrentZ += 8
CurrentX = InitialX