Could a player impersonate the server and send a remote event to themself?

Basically this, but reversed; can a skilled exploiter impersonate the server and pretend to send a remote event to their own client?


This cannot be possible. RemoteEvents are strictly for server-client communication. A client can’t call FireClient(), and a client can’t use Scripts.


An exploiter could fire your OnClientEvent event to call the functions connected to OnClientEvent in your LocalScript, but that shouldn’t matter because you shouldn’t be using the client to do anything that directly affects server-side data in the first place :​P

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so if I have code that says this

local PrintSomethingEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.PrintSomethingEvent

PrintSomethingEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(text : string)

is it possible for an exploiter to pretend to fire β€œPrintSomethingEvent” to themself with any value as the argument

Yes :)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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