Could anyone improve the handling of this truck?

I created this drivable truck with VehicleSeat.
I made several torque adjustments, and tire friction, but I’m not having a good result.
As you can see in the video below, there are 2 problems:

  1. When I start to drive and turn the wheels (A, D), they keep wobbling…
  2. When the truck descends to a small gap in the grass, it cannot return to the asphalt again.

Here the project to test:
truck.rbxl (108.3 KB)

Could anyone help me?

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You need to create 2 cylinders next to the road so it can easily back up. Or, you can make the wheels bigger

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Thank you, but I didn’t ask for a workaround to overcome this limitation since any vehicle can climb this tiny step.
Also, I don’t know why the wheels keep wobbling while driving.



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This is normal behavior? You can’t turn because the wheel is being jammed into the part. An easy fix would be turning left a little more and turning right again with full momentum.

And for the wheels wobbling, i’m not entirely sure how to fix that. That’s also just normal behavior from custom handling.

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