Could I make this with our being banned?

I want to make an item that is a bomb strapped to your chest. If you get low on hp you simply… Explode. Making it so everyone would have to avoid melee you.

If it’s not a suicide type bomb then I wouldn’t see a problem with it.
The other way to do it would be have some other indicator, like a health bar in a different colour.

Well uhhh. I mean you self destruct. Killing you and everything around you.

I mean, from my experience Roblox won’t ask you what the intentions are behind the design and will just do what they seem fit.

To minimise this breaking rules, you should make it so its not in any way realistic or finding another way to suggest “hey if you attack me im gonna blow up” without suggesting suicide or self-harm topics.

Just some advice of what I think, not sure what roblox thinks on the other hand. Hope this helps.

Its just ment to be funny. Cause in most games when I’m mad that people keep meleeing me I just pull a pin of a grenade and run at them.

I got banned for 7 days cus I made a similar item

You COULD get banned but it depends on how it looks

If its a regular C4 with no strap or anything you should be fine

So what I’m getting if it’s unrealistic then Im fine.

Basically yeah

If your character screams “ALLAH AKBAR” and then explodes into a gory mess then you’ll 100% get banned

Its not gonna be gory it’s just gonna be like the Roblox bomb on your back or smt

You’ll be fine then