Could i use Discord as a cloud for my game?

I had an idea for a steam workshop like thing in my game, where users could upload and download small files, i was thinking of using that to send messages to discord with a ID number, then the file data, and then to retrive it later, find the ID and seperate it form the other stuff. Could this work?

I already have a script that can communicate with a discord bot, so i dont need help with that.

To be clear, I am no way an expert in this area and just did a little infomation search. I don’t do much development outside of roblox so extrenal platforms like discord is where I stuggle.

If your wanting something to save and retrive data, I think you will stuggle retriving it back to the roblox server when it is needed from discord . I am mostly confused on why you need to use discord over something like data stores to keep track of the IDs, unless you need to like download the files into your computer. There also may be something I am missing.

If I were you and I needed to store this data extrenally, I would consider using something like google sheets as it would provide more resources to save and retrive data, unlike something like discord as it really isn’t meant to store data like this. I haven’t looked too indepth in this community reasource, but it looks fairly decent as a starting place if you wish to implement it:

Also if you are wanting to say, downland an image using the ID you can use “” followed by the Image ID and it should download a file. you must rename it to convert it to a .png to view it.

If I did not answer your question, would you maybe clear up anything I might be misunderstanding?

I don’t think Discord is exactly tailored for your use case like that. Therefore I think you should try looking for other types of hosts that can handle all these updates. You might have to use Roblox’s model uploads and stuff for then to be inserted via InsertService.