Could My Group Get Banned for This?

I am thinking about hiring a clothing designer in my group, but I was thinking about it and wondering if they could get my group banned if they uploaded clothing that was against the ToS.


Bruh. Your WHOLE account could be banned. Look at the designer shirt before he uploads them.


Your whole account cannot get banned if you aren’t uploading clothes against TOS on said account, don’t spread misinfo please


I know, i know, but it might be.

dont let him upload it themself, have them run the clothing through you and you upload, never trust anybody and look for reputable clothing designers, although they will cost you more but they will just give you some more peace of mind.


Sorry for necroposting but is this still a thing today?

I been still concerned about letting my friends do stuff in my group (making games, clothing, etc.) and worried about whether that could effect me in any way.

It will not affect you any warnings or DMCAs of copied clothing would be towards the account that uploaded the clothing that was against TOS your group can get banned if it has a lot of dmcas but I do not know what the threshold for that is as I’ve sent out many dmcas to same groups and nothing happens but the worst that could happen affecting u is group getting locked