Could not join Team Create session for place error

We are unable to enter team create in our development place

As I was writing this bug report I got a studio update and upon rejoining I was prompted with the following warning

This started happening earlier today, when Studio would fail to load this specific place. At this time the only person connected to the specific place was my team member who still had it open on another computer.

Were able to turn team create off thru a sub-place and get into the place file. When enabling team create in the place file we got this error in output


i’m a member on the same development team and i’m getting both the same error box and the same studio output.

i need my place back

currently running the latest studio version: 0.638.1.6380615 on windows 10.

Thanks for reporting, we will most likely need more information and may reach out to you. Stay tuned

Interesting, I am also having the same issue as well just recently, and it only applies for this game in a group, I haven’t tested for the other games in the group, but other games outside the group seem to be accessible.

TLDR - It seems I am only having the same issue for this particular game.


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Thanks for reporting this, sorry for the inconvenience. based on our investigation, the team create connection issue should no longer be happening, pls let me know if the team create connection issue persists.

Also getting the same error:
Roblox Studio 26.08.2024 20_44_39
It’s been hapening to all my team create enabled games

I desinstalled studio (with a tool)
I also tried restarting my pc and re-publishing the place from a rbxl file.

Starting it from another computer worked.

I’m using version 0.639.0.6390692

I’m not getting the error anymore, weird because I didn’t touch my pc the whole time and there was no update. I guess it was on roblox’s end :thinking:

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You should make a new bug report if you’re unable to fix it. Roblox staff are more likely to see new threads- who knows if they listen specifically for new Team Create bug reports

i just encountered this error. Anybody know a fix?

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Encountered the same thing. Only happens on a specific place with team create on and another developer editing the game.


This is a different issue it seems. You should post a new bug report.