I want to use Overlap Params as a hitbox filter tool, but the problem is I don’t have the slightest idea how it works, I’ve gone through the forum’s original post on overlap params and the developer API reference for it, and even searching for other posts on overlap params, but still to no avail.
from the little i read its a variable that can either be a table or number or other data type depending on the situation its being used for.
it works the same as raycastparams in this example as in you need to assign it values and then you assign those params to a bigger function E.G sending a raycast
these two chunks of code do the same thing yknow they create the paramater being sent into the function and then they fill in the parameters of the parameter
sorry if this is getting a bit messy but yeah im just figuring it out as i go
But isn’t the filterDescendantsInstances supposed to be a table?