Could this get my game banned?

I made a depressing looking set for one of the endings to my new game, but I was wondering if it could possibly be too depressing? What do you think?

  • The pills on the table DONT exist anymore and were replaced with a sandwich


I believe the main thing that would get moderated are the pills (or force your game into being 17+), the gun could be passed off as just violence even though it’s pretty clear what it’s trying to imply, a bit risky in my opinion.

If you decide to not risk it and remove both I’m sure there are creative/metaphorical ways to represent it (could be something cheesy like the character turning off the light but all of this is up to your imagination)


Thanks for replying,
The gun is a big part of the game, so I want to keep that in. I guess I could remove the pills, but I was wanting to show how messed up the character mentally is. Do you think there is any way I could keep AT LEAST the gun without it being forced into 17+ ?

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I agree with @Roebechaux ; But I got some advice.
Now don’t quote me on this, but workarounds and double entendres tend to be used. The following game used it (and is only private due to the original developer’s request); And there’s also a video on it’s gameplay. (iykyk). The way things are portrayed is important too; A gun on someone’s shelf is not the same as a gun in someone’s hand, so always have context in mind (in moderation).


Ohh yeah, I played that before it was taken down. I get what youre saying, I could probably make something along those lines.

I cant really place the gun anywhere other than the character’s hand, you can probably tell why.

Because it isnt explicitly stated, rather implied, that the guy is unconscious due to his own hands, would it be safe to keep it as it is?

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I’d say it’s edgy but probably doable (for 13+), but do it at your own leisure. Professionally speaking, you’d want to leave it as 17+ to be safe. You can always read up on the age guidelines and hey, it might go off as “moderate crude humor” (13+). And about the medicine, you can probably put some text saying something along the lines of “COUGH MEDICINE” (or others).


thx for the help, I ended up replacing the pills with a Space Sandwich, and I’ll just take a risk with the gun


not sure if the drinks are extreme (imo I will think of drinking and alchohol and being drunk, but I’m not too sure if achoholism will be moderated).

one thing i suggest could be a window with rain outside and rain sfx, that’ll be cool


Yea the drinks are portraying some kind of alcohol, but I decided to make it Bloxy Cola to avoid alcohol and also to reference old roblox in a way.

Also, rain is a good idea. Ill probably do something like that, thanks!


I have no idea why lately many people have been making Suici#e games, this is very scary games like this to damage the mentality of the people who play them :sob:

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This game is not associated with that topic, it is a hidden ending the player has to trigger

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it looks like the guy OOFED himself with the revolver, so maybe yes, and also those because of the pills as mentioned above


I think it can and can’t be allowed. I have played Jim’s Computer, and the ending is suicidal. I think you could if the set only appears for a little bit.


I havent played that, but I’ll check it out

This scene in my game isnt like a mandatory thing everyone has to see, it is a hidden ending that the player has to find and trigger

I know, I have read the replies and Jim Computer mentions like suicide and anxiety pills and etc…

I just finished that game, I can see why the ending can be conisdered suicidal. But in Jim’s Computer 2, he doesnt actually pull the trigger so all is well.

When did Jim s Computer mention the pills?

It doesn’t mention it. It’s just a theory from all the players. Jim has anxiety.

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