Could we bring back the lounge?

The issue with bringing back lounge to the public is that, because of the exclusivity of the past, there is personal information scattered throughout there. Emails, selfies, discord IDs.

Also, the people commenting in this forum saying that they “deserve it” haven’t even been devforum members for a year. Most messages in the lounge go back over a decade. I was posting in those channels at 13 and on the original forums at 11. I would recommend just not stressing about it.

This forum used to be wildly unmoderated, and I know that I personally would prefer it being kept as is. I see it more as a personal information concern. It’s already bad enough that me being a cringe 13-year-old is already permanently publicly available.


Lounge gets zero activity, I dont think you’re missing out on much.

Maybe if we got some new regulars it’d become active again.

Personally, I think a new off-topic should just be recreated under Development Discussion since the category as a whole is already off-topic half the time.


Turns out Roblox has a Discord server, which is basically a lounge.

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The Roblox Creators Discord is ran by Roblox staff

They also got a official discord account so i guess we can call the server official aswell

But honestly i wish i would be able to access the lounge and being able to create discussions rather replying to a dead discord chat

There’s been over 300 messages today in one channel, there’s 12 channels

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It still doesn’t create discussion. On the devforum you are able to create topics and discuss with other people for several days on a specific topic like events but the discord server doesn’t have the ability to do that really

It could also be a simple solution to add a small forum channel on their discord maybe as discord got this feature

A solution would be either ranking people up to regular again or just letting members use it. The only issue i could think of is people creating topics to directly complain about moderation but there can always be guidelines made against this

People could argue that the devforum is made for development discussions and only developer related which i sort of agree with and i guess people just want the regular forums back but at the same time the catagory already exists

Sure you can use some third party option such as a discord server not created by roblox but why not let us use the catagory if it already exists

Also in other note: People use #development-discussion despite it not being on-topic and it would probably slowly fix this problem if moderation won’t do anything against it

Either way i wouldn’t really mind it not being visible but theres no argument i saw why it should stay so restricted


Roblox has now their lounge in discord instead of the forum by some discontinuations, but I don’t have an discord account so I make one soon

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