Could you guys give me feedback on my game(very early beta)

Could you guys give me some feedback on my Star Wars game. There are no buildings as of yet, but some guis and scripting you guys could provide feedback on.
Thanks :wink:

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Why is it 200 robux just to enter the game?

Oh wait sorry I forgot about that Iā€™ll change it right away.

There we go itā€™s free now sorry about that @Uzixt

Take into account that itā€™s like only a couple hours into development

What are your thoughts on the game @Uzixt

I feel like the GUIā€™s is a pretty solid start, although there could be more functionality to them, and you might want to start expanding on the games idea more. Right now we canā€™t tell if the game is ā€œgoodā€ or not as the game does seem pretty empty but seems like a solid start :slight_smile:

What do u mean by more functionality to the guis @Uzixt?

When I add more to the game, I will do a proper feedback thing.

Maybe you can have an event when the mouse button is down you tween the buttons down a bit, you can probably add some more design to the guis maybe?

Alright thanks will do :wink: thanks for the help

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Game is 200 robux to play. Maybe consider making it free because Iā€™m not really willing to pay 200 robux just to give feedback on a game. Overall I was excited to give feedback.

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@anonymous6778 I found that I probably donā€™t want anyone giving feedback on the game as it doesnā€™t have enough content yet. When I think itā€™s ready I will make a new feedback of my game post, and then I will change it to free. The reason why I made it 200 robux was because I didnā€™t want anyone to play it (until I put it on this and forgot about it costing robux) and think that the game was rubbish, only because it is in extremely early beta.

Hey octavodad! Would like to see your game, but currently cost 200 robux.

Your able to make your game private.

Ohhhhhā€¦ thatā€™s what I was missingā€¦ thanks

Game looks really good, I recommend you change your thumbnails, because one of them is just an avatar pointing at you.

Do you know any people that can make good thumbnails?