Couldn't move UIs in Studio

I don’t know what topic should I post this, so I’m sorry If I really post this in the wrong topic.

I can’t move the UI by my mouse in ROBLOX Studio.
I’ve got this problem for a long time now, I think it’s time to solve this.

So, In general, I can move the UI / Frame / Image Label etc. By click it and move to anywhere I want.
But now, I can’t anymore.


  1. Is there a scrollingFrame overlapping it or is there one behind it?
  2. Have you tried relaunching studio?
  3. Is the ZIndex or gui DisplayOrder high enough?

Just one behind it, I inserted the imagelabel to the ScreenGUI just that and can’t move it.

I believe I’ve experienced this glitch before, I vaguely remember that it patched itself after. It was either after a new studio update or when I relaunched it. Maybe try moving to a new position where there’s empty void or try making it in another place.

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Alright, thanks for the answer!

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yea this has happened to be before and it’s really annoying. restarted and it was fixed but who knows it may happen again :man_shrugging:t5: