I checked out the game to give you feedback.
What I noticed was that instead of being teleported to the game, I was being teleported to a small Baseplate with a countdown on the right, a book tool with some weird text, random models, a tbh creature balloon and, for some reason, a Mommy Long Legs model you can morph into.
I’ll adress everything I saw inside of your countdown room since the game isn’t released yet and give you some feedback.
1- The countdown
I don’t think it’s necessary to add a countdown, if the audience is small, it’s better to just make an announcement somewhere and release the game.
The first impressions from the game (by seeing the countdown room) are not very good, so if you want to make a good first impression you should make the countdown room look attracting, or just not have a countdown room at all.
2- Book tool
The book tool I found on the floor next to the SpawnPoint seemed to work well, you touched it and now you had it as a tool. When I opened the book (using left click) I saw a black GUI with the text “Unknown” and a lot of symbols I couldn’t seem to decipher.
The book tool worked well, the problem is the content inside it, I don’t know what it means but if it’s a teaser or a part of the lore (if your game has lore) I think it’s a good idea, but please next time add clues on how to decipher it.
3- Being able to scribble
When you held down left click, a black line started to appear where your crosshair was, and when you moved it you could draw.
I don’t know why this is in the countdown room but (I think) it works as intended, the problem might come when someone decides to draw inappropiate stuff, so you need to be careful with giving the players power to draw anything without any moderation.
4- Player’s avatar not loading correctly
You might’ve noticed in the last screenshot that the only thing that loaded from my character was the cosmetics, I don’t know why this happens but I tried rejoining the game several times and it wasn’t just a one-time issue, it happened everytime.

5- Random models
There were things in the game that really made you think “Why is this here? What is it’s purpose?”, for example, this random wall with floating stuff.

I got creative and played three in a row inside it but I actually don’t know why that is there.
Another example is this balloon that was welded into the Baseplate.

I don’t know why there’s a tbh creature balloon on the ground. He’s just there, he can’t float.
There was also another random wall (without floating stuff) that was much smaller and a random grey block somewhere.
6- Mommy Long Legs model (Why)
There was also a Mommy Long Legs (from Poppy Playtime 2) model that you could morph into.
1- The animation when you’re on the ground is always playing a broken and sped up walking animation.
2- The “Stunned” button doesn’t work and the “Jumpscare” button only plays a jumpscare sound.
3- Why is that there? What does Mommy Long Legs have to do with a countdown room for a game that’s about finding books?
7- Game randomly turning very bright
Sometimes, without a prior warning, the game’s brightness values would go up by a lot, resulting in this:
After that, you get teleported to Find The Books and then teleported again to the same countdown room. I don’t think that’s supposed to happen before the countdown ends.
I also think it’s not a good idea to just randomly flash the user with a really bright screen, it’s not comfortable (along with the possibility of harming the player’s vision).
That’s the feedback I can give you from the countdown room, if you want you can add me or mention me when the game is released to give you feedback on the actual game.
I hope I helped you by giving feedback and I hope your game does well.