Countdown timer displaying incorrectly

Hello. I was setting up a countdown timer for a limited-time vehicle for my game. When I tested it, it displayed the wrong time.

local countdownGui = script.Parent
local countdownText = countdownGui:WaitForChild("CountdownText")

local day = os.time({year = 2022, month = 12, day = 1, hour = 12, min = 0, sec = 0})

while wait() do
	local secondsBetween = os.difftime(day, os.time())

	local seconds = secondsBetween % 60
	local minutes = math.floor(secondsBetween % (60*60) / 60)
	local hours = math.floor(secondsBetween % (60*60*24) / (60*60))
	local days = math.floor(secondsBetween % (60*60*24*30) / (60*60*24))
	local textString = days .. "d:" .. hours .. "h:" .. minutes .. "m:" .. seconds .. "s"
	countdownText.Text = textString
	if secondsBetween <= 0 then break end

How it displays:

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I think if you take out the modulo part for days, it should be good
it would be days = math.floor(secondsBetween / (60*60*24))

also, keep in mind that the server may not have the same timezone as players