Hello. I was re-scripting the countdown timers in the game to display a text when it hits that specified time.
However, it doesn’t display, and instead it shows the countdown at 0d:0h:0m:0s.
local countdownGui = script.Parent
local countdownText = countdownGui:WaitForChild("TextLabel")
local day = os.time({year = 2023, month = 12, day = 9, hour = 1, min = 57, sec = 30})
local current = os.time()
while wait() do
if current >= day then
countdownText.Text = "Gifts are opened! Merry Christmas!"
elseif current <= day then
local secondsBetween = os.difftime(day, os.time())
local seconds = secondsBetween % 60
local minutes = math.floor(secondsBetween % (60*60) / 60)
local hours = math.floor(secondsBetween % (60*60*24) / (60*60))
local days = math.floor(secondsBetween / (60*60*24))
local textString = "Gifts opening in" .. days .. "d:" .. hours .. "h:" .. minutes .. "m:" .. seconds .. "s"
countdownText.Text = textString
if secondsBetween <= 0 then break end