Countdown to event code not working

I’m not a very advanced scripter and I tried making a countdown to event timer with a UI that shows the time left but for some reason the time left displayed looks really off.
I’m not sure what’s wrong in this code, could someone help clarify what I need to fix?

heres an image of what the countdown displayed:

and heres the code to the countdown:

local timeToStart = 1714532400  --epoch time
local timeToStop = 1714575600  --epoch time

local daysLeft = 0
local hoursLeft = 0
local minsLeft = 0
local secsLeft = 0

function liveEvent()
	--code for the live event here

while wait(1) do
	local timeNow = os.time()
	if timeNow >= timeToStop then --stops checking if its time to start the event
	if timeNow >= timeToStart then
		print("Start the Live Event")
		break -- stops the loop
		daysLeft = math.floor(timeToStart-timeNow / 86400)
		temp = (timeToStart-timeNow % 86400)
		hoursLeft = math.floor(temp / 3600)
		temp = (temp % 3600)
		minsLeft = math.floor(temp / 60)
		temp = (temp % 60)
		secsLeft = math.floor(temp)
		script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Time.TimeLeft.Text = ((daysLeft).." Days, "..(hoursLeft).." Hours, "..(minsLeft).." Mins, "..(secsLeft).." Secs.")

Thanks for helping!

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The time calculation math is wrong. Try the corrected version:

local timeToStart = 1714532400  -- Epoch time for when to start
local timeToStop = 1714575600   -- Epoch time for when to stop

local daysLeft = 0
local hoursLeft = 0
local minsLeft = 0
local secsLeft = 0

function liveEvent()
    -- Code for the live event here
    print("Live Event is running!")

while wait(1) do
    local timeNow = os.time()
    if timeNow >= timeToStop then
        break -- Stops checking; the event time has passed
    if timeNow >= timeToStart then
        print("Start the Live Event")
        break -- Stops the loop; event has started
        -- Corrected calculation for time left
        local timeDiff = timeToStart - timeNow
        daysLeft = math.floor(timeDiff / 86400)
        local temp = timeDiff % 86400
        hoursLeft = math.floor(temp / 3600)
        temp = temp % 3600
        minsLeft = math.floor(temp / 60)
        secsLeft = temp % 60 -- Direct calculation without math.floor as remainder will be seconds left
        -- Ensure your script's parent has a SurfaceGui with a TextLabel named TimeLeft for this to work
        if script.Parent:FindFirstChild("SurfaceGui") and script.Parent.SurfaceGui:FindFirstChild("Time") then
            script.Parent.SurfaceGui.Time.TimeLeft.Text = (daysLeft.." Days, "..hoursLeft.." Hours, "..minsLeft.." Mins, "..secsLeft.." Secs.")

Wow, worked perfectly. thanks alot!

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