I have a countdown system that gives players in the server 1 minute to register to an existing match. If new players join 10seconds after countdown started, the countdown they will see will be 50seconds.
I’m having a dilemma on whether I should leave the countdown to the server or client side. These are the 2 methods I have tried:
When player enters, server sends the remaining countdown time over a remote event to get client side to start countdown.
Pros: prevents server from being overloaded
Cons: if the client device is laggy, it will not sync with the server timer
Every second, server fires a countdown time to all clients through Remote Event.
Pros: all client timings are synced, regardless of whether their device is good or laggy
Cons: server is overloaded every second as they have to keep firing Remote events to all the clients every second.
Ultimately, I’m not sure which is better. I personally would prefer the server-side execution but it has proven to overload my server quite a bit. Does anyone have any workarounds to this countdown issue?