Country Road Transport's is hiring peopole!

Are you searching some game for be hired? This is your perfect site! Country Road Transport’s is hiring people!
What’s Country Road Transport’s?
Is a game based on a small country where on shifts, people can play and role-play with the other players that obtain job-offers for role-play.
Here are some photos:

Captura de pantalla (10)

Actually job-offers (payed with robux earnings):

We are hiring 1 models and scripter developer for create new bus/cars models. (he/she will obtain a 14% of the game robux earnings) the earnings can be changed if we negociate.

We are hiring a general developer for varied things to do in the game. (he/she will obtain a 11,5% of the game robux earnings) the earnings can be changed if we negociate.

Job-offers (free to play with applications, not payed with robux except some people):

We are hiring 8 bus drivers, Applications here

We are hiring 3 ticket inspectors, Applications here

We are hiring 2 technicians, Applications here

We are hiring 1 dispatcher Applications here

We are hiring 2 Moderators, Applications here

That are all the job-offers for the moment! If you are interested on some of the payed or free job-offers DM me! Elc2503093#0087

Country Road Transport’s.
county road transport's portada