Hello, I am the founder of CountryBalls Simulator and am wanting to show others the work that our developers put into the game! CountryBalls Simulator has just released after about 2 months of hard work.
CountryBalls Simulator is a massively multiplayer simulator/role playing game. The game provides players with a unique experience with CountryBalls. Rather than just watching videos of animations with them, now you can actually play games that are based off of them. Although CountryBalls may not be the biggest genre that players are interested in, we are providing those who do enjoy them a place that they can hang out with others who do the same.
Hello, I just tried out your game for a few minutes.
Here’s some feedback,
When I first joined the game both the update log and the tutorial overlapped eachother.
The tutorial doesn’t clearly show where to sell jumps
The exit button should probably be on the main GUI as well, it looks out of place when its off to the side.
The GUIs when playing are a bit disruptive, maybe put them down the screen a bit or make them smaller and less invasive.
Scenery is nice maybe add more trees and such in environments.
Not too much to do in the game. I probably maxed out my character in maybe 5-15 minutes? The only thing left to do is just go and see all the places, and I personally wouldn’t stay any longer then that.
Its pretty much just like any generic simulator game, nothing too special besides the genre. To change this up maybe go and add either events, or obby to pass time stuff like that.
Rolling Animation?
It’s and okay concept its a bit niche but the mechanics aren’t unique.
Hello! This is my current review of the game based of my testing. The game is alright but needs some improvements before it’s in a “ready” state. There’s not much gameplay, all you do is jump and that’s it pretty much. I’ve seen some issues/bugs throughout my gameplay.
Polandball is incorrectly modeled
Sometimes going into debt after purchasing items
Leader boards not accurately showing how long users have been playing or how rich they are (stopped randomly after some time)
I’d also recommend moving the “Prestige” area to a more obvious spot (currently behind the Shop) as well as fixing the invisible walls around the “maps”. Overall while being an interesting and new theme, it doesn’t exactly separate itself from the competition much.
How Polandball appears in-game:
How Polandball looks like in Polandball/Countryballs community:
Thank you so much for your feedback. I will take note of these ideas and send them to our developers and see if we can try and achieve all of these goals. If you have time, do you mind joining our community server and sending this suggestions in our suggestions channel? If you do not have the time, do not worry about it. Thank you again for these suggestions!
Sincerely, the CountryBalls Simulator development team.