Hello my fellow ROBLOXians! Today I worked on a courtroom, and I took inspiration from some photos online. I want the honest feedback on how I can improve it, make it more “modern”, and make it seem more lively and different from others.
I am open to ANY form of constructive criticism, so I am asking that you give your honest feedback good or bad. I look forward to your suggestions!
Looks good! I’d say maybe add some greenery, some plants in the corners, it’s a very one-sided color pallete and those green plants will help contrast it.
It looks pretty accurate, based on the courtrooms I’ve seen!
Just a few suggestions. Behind the judge, add a clock and a sort of emblem. Most, if not all, courtrooms have an emblem with a blindfolded woman depicted on it, basically saying that justice is blind.
About the build, it’s good but it seems familiar, like someone build it before you, but it’s probably my imagination. Plus, you did say that it’s from Google, so maybe I saw it there, I don’t know.
As everyone else said, I think the build looks really great. Only recommendation I could give is better chairs other than a simple wooden one, but thats just me nitpicking. Nice job! : )