Cover the top with a GUI

Heyo! I don’t really know if this is the right category but I’m making an application center and the problem is, that the GUI doesn’t cover the full screen.

How could I fix that?

You’ll need to open properties, and click the ScreenGui which belongs to your frame. After you do that make sure IgnoreGuilnset is true. image


If you do this, it can be difficult to see.

game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore("TopbarEnabled", false)

If you insert this, I think it will improve a little.

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What do you mean by that? :question:

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Also, having the TopbarDisabled only makes some of the CoreUI Icons disabled.

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The GUI as in the example is irrelevant, but it is required for this GUI.

Unnecessary buttons etc. disappear.

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That is true, it is the first step but having IgnoreGuilnset enabled is the second.

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You could make the border thicker

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That wouldn’t help. You want it to cover the whole screen, and there is a better way.