Créma Public Handbook

Welcome to the official guidebook for the ROBLOX Industry, Créma! This document was created by the Créma Chief Executive Officer to help our group members on their journey in the Créma community. I attempted to make this as detailed as possible so any questions you may have will be answered! If you are still in need of help after going through this handbook, please do not hesitate to ask from our Management & Administration Team.

Code of Conduct

We have decided to introduce a Créma Code of Conduct, a widespread set of rules that pertain to the entire community of Créma, whether it be a community member, management member, or a high-rank member. Failure to follow the Créma Code of Conduct will be dealt with accordingly.

Maturity is required whether you are at our main game, training grounds, or any other set of premises that belongs to Créma. It is vital that you represent great behavior at all times to ensure that our group is child-friendly and is able to be seen as positive for the entire community. If you are a guest at our establishment and you don’t follow this, you will be kicked from the game you are in. If you are a member of staff, you will be warned and then demoted if continued.

As a staff member at Créma, we ask that you introduce yourself in an ideal way. Try to be inviting to anyone around you and do your best to stay positive, supportive, and aware. On the off chance that you are to get into a conflict with another user, please handle the circumstance properly without acting immature or improper. Regardless of the case, please stay considerate towards anybody that you interact with. Unseemly and hostile jokes will not go on without serious consequences, as we want to give a protected and engaging setting for everybody.

Dress Code
At Créma, we’d appreciate it if everyone dressed appropriately. Any inappropriate packages, messages, or clothing is worn on your character will be accounted for and reported to our high-rank staff immediately. We do require a shirt and pants to be worn while at any Créma related servers. All middle and high positions should dress suitably and all lower positions should wear the uniform situated in the group store. If you’re wearing a skin tone of different colors which isn’t a shirt or pants, you will still be required to change into clothing. The inability to dress appropriately will result in a warning, demotion, kick, or ban, depending upon the situation.

All Créma community members are expected to treat everyone with utmost respect. Every person to enter the server and/or the restaurant should be able to feel comfortable in their surroundings. Any user who fails to do so will be given a severe consequence determined by our administration team.

Bypassing/Vulgar Language
Bypassing the chat is completely banned in ANY Créma related games. If you are caught bypassing, it is certain you can be banned. Vulgar language in the Discord server is restricted. Créma is a family-friendly community. Therefore, we recommend that you refrain from using vulgar language, as it could lead to severe consequences.

Exploiting is absolutely not allowed here at Créma. If you decide to exploit, it is an automatic permanent ban. If there happens to be no HR or MR in the server when you’re exploiting, an LR or customer can simply take a screenshot or video of your acts and send it to a higher rank. Therefore, we suggest that you do not exploit.

1. Be respectful at all times. Any forms of disrespect are not acceptable at any time.
2. Impersonation of staff or any other member of the general public is prohibited.
3. Threats and harmful comments are not permitted.
4. Do not be inappropriate.
5. Advertising is not permitted.
6. Exploiting/glitching is prohibited and never allowed.
7. Cursing or bypassing to swear is not permitted.
8. Spamming is not permitted.
9. Cutting in-line is not permitted.
10. Follow all ROBLOX Terms of Service.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a Trainee?
Visit our application center and follow the instructions.

I passed my training, but I wasn’t promoted. What should I do?
If it happens, you should contact the staff member that trained and passed you as soon as possible. If you cannot get in contact with them, reach out to any Management Member about the situation, and they will be more than happy to help.

Do you allow safe-chat users?
Yes, you can still become a Trainee. Feel free to head to the Application Center and get a job, as we’re more than happy to have many members of our community working behind the counter. We hope to see you there soon! What about MRs? No. The simple explanation for this is because management team members with safechat can sometimes be hard to understand, so we decided not to hire them to prevent confusion.

I’m at the restaurant and there are a bunch of exploiters and trollers, what do I do?
If you’re at the cafe and witness a troller, you should kindly ask them to stop their actions. If they resist listening, you are to give them one warning. If they still continue, that’s when you call for a Management Assistant through our communications server or the group wall. Providing screenshots or a recording of the troller is optional, however, we strongly encourage you to do so as it is helpful in handling the situation more efficiently. If you encounter an exploiter, try to provide proof and send it to an HR+.

How do I become a Staff Assistant?
To become a Staff Assistant, you can visit the Créma Application Center located in Créma’s group games and apply for Trainee. Staff Assistant applications come out in the beginning of every month. More information on that shall come in future Discord announcements.

How do I communicate with the rest of the community? Does Créma have any social media or communications server?
In fact, we do have a communications server. Our communication server is located under our group social links.

How many warnings are given to trollers?
Trollers are only given one warning. After the warning, they are kicked from the server immediately. If the troller comes back and continues their rude or inappropriate actions, they will be banned from the server. The only exception to this rule is if there is an exploiter. Exploiters are permanently banned as soon as they are caught.

What can I do if I was banned from the server?
One of two things could have happened. Either you were banned temporarily, or you were banned permanently. If you were banned temporarily, you will need to wait for the server to close. After the server closes, you should be able to rejoin. If you were banned permanently, you will be asked to send a ban appeal form, which is located further down in the handbook.

Partnership | Alliance Information

Listed below is all the information on how to become an alliance. Alongside the requirements and information, the application is also given if you’d like to apply. As a reminder, we advise you to meet the requirements for applying. The application is located in our communication server

  • We only ally with the ROBLOX-industry group. This consists of cafes, clothing groups, restaurants, etc. We do not wish to ally with war groups.

  • You must be active. We don’t want to have an alliance with a particularly dead group, as it ruins the view of Créma.

  • The group must have at least 100 non-botted members.

  • You must be organized. We do not wish to ally with groups that are unorganized and cause a commotion.

  • All drama within your group shall not be brought into Créma, as it disturbs the peace of our group.

  • We would like our allies to be professional, and beneficial to our group.

Ban | Rank Appeal Information

Below is all of the information regarding on how to successfully appeal from a ban, demotion, or termination.

Here at Créma, we want our community to be as considerate and resilient as possible. Breaking rules is never tolerated at any Créma related game. If you’re caught breaking any of our rules and regulations, an executive has the authority to server ban, permanent ban, or global ban you from our facilities.

Fortunately, we give individuals a second chance. If you were banned from any Créma related games, you may formulate an appeal after 48 hours to ensure that you’ve taken the time to learn from your mistakes.

Here at Créma, we take staff positions seriously. With that said, breaking the rules can result in consequences from your position. As a result, receiving a demotion or termination from our Community Management Team could possibly happen.

We like to give users a second chance to redeem themselves and hopefully come back ensuring what they did isn’t caused again. If you were terminated or demoted from your staff position at Créma, you may formulate an appeal after 48 hours to ensure that you’ve taken the time to learn from your mistakes.


Rank Titles | Descriptions


Here you can find a full list of the ranks here at Créma. We provide a description of what their role is at our establishment, with their duties and the rank limits. If you ever have a question regarding our ranks, feel free to contact a member of the Administration Team.


Chief Executive Officer - The Chief Executive Officer mainly overviews the whole group and the user who has founded the group. The role is restricted to Aelluors. The Chief Executive Officer is the surreal leader of the group. They have the final decision of everything. The Executive Officers, two Senior Vice Presidents, and the Executive Vice President work together to fulfill the Chief Executive Officer’s duties and commands. The CEO also heads the development process and makes all decisions on what could and could not benefit the community.

Executive Vice President - There will always be only 1 Executive Vice President in the whole company. Executive Vice President overviews all the departments and the Senior Vice Presidents. They send any information regarding any matter to the Chief Executive Officer. The Executive Vice President’s duties are very similar to the Chief Executive Officers. The Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President work closely to develop Créma as a group and help the community grow. If there is a problem and the Chief Executive Officer is unavailable, the Executive Vice President is there and ready to help.


Senior Vice President - There would always be 3 Senior Vice Presidents. One for each department. Each one will always overview their department. They are in charge of whatever goes wrong in their department. They also have a say in promotions and have general contributions to meetings and new updates for the group. The Senior Vice President also manages all aspects of the group. The Executive Officers are working with the Senior Vice President to execute each department’s duties and decisions. The Senior Vice President also manages the cafe and oversees trainings. Senior Vice President(s) reports to the Executive Vice President & Chief Executive Officer.

Executive Director - The Executive Director(s) are responsible for overseeing the Executive Assistants and Directors ranked below. They have a strong say in promotions and have general contributions to meetings and new updates for the group. They are handing out tasks to Directors ranked below. They are secondly in charge of whatever happens in their department. Limit: 1 per department


Managing Director - Managing Director is the second higher-level corporate position. They are responsible for running Crémas daily operations within their assigned department. Managing Directors are divided into three main teams. The Management Resources Team, Public Relations Team, and the Compliance Team. They work along with Executive Assistants and Managing Directors to provide the best activity within their team. They cooperate with Corporate Directors to achieve smooth operations. They usually enforce the rules and regulations, handle complaints, and deal with appeals to ensure Crémas proper flow of cremas operations.Limit: 1 per department

Corporate Director - Corporate Director is the first higher-level corporate position. They are responsible for running Crémas daily operations within their assigned department. Corporate Directors are divided into three main teams. The Management Resources Team, Public Relations Team, and the Compliance Team. They work along with Executive Assistants and Managing Directors to provide the best activity within their team. Limit: 1 per department


Executive Assistant - Executive Assistants are assigned one of three teams when they are promoted. Depending on their assigned department/team, they have different duties to fulfill, whether it be promotions, demotions, or alliances. Executive Assistants work hard to keep their division as active as possible and fix any problems that might arise. Limit: 6

Management Organizer - Management Organizer’s main purpose is to assist in searching for new Management Interns. They also supervise Head Baristas and notice candidates for a promotion to Management Intern. They mostly oversee Low Ranks and write reports of every shift and session that they attend. Limit: 2

Risk Manager - Their main purpose is to oversee sessions and write reports of every shift and session that they attend. While at the cafe, they are to kick and ban trollers appropriately and report any users that need to be permanently banned to a High Rank or above. Limit: 3

Cafe Manager - Cafe Managers help with trainings by hosting sessions or becoming a trainer during the allotted training times. In their free time, they are to assist at the cafe looking for any trollers or exploiters that need to be dealt with appropriately. Limit: 3

Supervisor - Supervisors are supervising the counter and in the kitchen. At the cafe, they are required to help the baristas, along with supervising the cafe. They are required to host staff sessions. The Supervisors report to a High Rank if they notice anything suspicious. Limit: 5

Staff Assistant - This is the first rank as a Middle-ranked member! People who passed their MR exam are promoted from Management Intern to Staff Assistant. They help in trainings and check on the cafe for any unusual or surreal activity. If they notice anything, they are to report to a High Rank immediately. Limit: 10


Management Intern - This is the last rank as a Low-Ranked team member! People who work hard and have great grammar and ethics usually get promoted to this rank. Management Interns usually go through private trainings to be eligible for promotion to Staff Assistant. Limit: 10

Head Barista - Head Barista is the fifth “barista” level in Créma. They are required to stay behind the counter to work. To get promoted to Staff Assistant, they MUST show themselves and will be sent an Staff Assistant exam by the Human Resources department, when recognized. Limit: ∞

Senior Barista - Senior Barista is the fourth “barista” level in Créma. They are required to stay behind the counter to work. They can fill out a quiz to be promoted to Head Barista. Limit: ∞

Barista - Barista is the third “barista” level in Créma. They are required to stay behind the counter to work. To get promoted, they must attend a training session. This rank also has more permissions! They are taught more recipes and are the more advanced workers. They are usually faster. Limit: ∞

Junior Barista - Junior Barista is the second “barista” level in Créma. They are required to stay behind the counter to work. To get promoted, they must attend a training session. Limit: ∞

Trainee - Trainee is the first “barista” level in Créma. A customer who has applied for a job, they are required to attend a training session. Limit: ∞


Noted Customer - This is if an HR | SR resigns, their hard work will never go unnoticed, therefore they get this rare rank! Also given by any of the Executive Management members if they believe they deserve this role. Limit: ∞

Business Partner - The management representative of an allied group or investor. Limit: ∞

Customer - Our lovely customers who like to order from us and potentially get a job! They also help the company grow and make it active. Limit: ∞

Kitchen Recipes


Mug/Cup + Water + Desired Tea

Crema Coffees

Espresso - Mug/Cup + Water + Beans + Espresso
Americano - Mug/Cup + Water + Beans + Americano
Decaf - Mug/Cup + Beans + Milk + Decaf
Regular - Mug/Cup + Beans + Water + Regular + Milk
Cappuccino - Mug/Cup + Water + Beans + Cappuccino

Special Coffees

Mug/Cup + Water + Beans + Desired Coffee Type


Milkshake Cup + Milk + Flavor + Ice + Blend

If you have any other inquiries, questions, or concerns, you may have should ask a Management Member or above. If you happen to identify any flaws within this handbook, please contact a Senior Vice President or higher.

Créma Head Administration