[CR] Singapore Roleplay | Community Guidelines


Character Roleplay


Last Updated 16th February 2023 | New policies are marked with [+] to benefit users that are unaware of changes.


Abide Roblox’s Terms of Service - You are to abide to the regulations set by roblox, if you are unaware, you may read here.

Exploiting / Glitching - Users found exploiting in-game or glitching for disadvantages of others will be banned from the game.

Harassment - Harassing others by insulting them, giving live threats or bypassing the chat filter will lead you into getting kicked from the game or potentially banned if continued.

Spawn Killing - This will not be tolerated, actions will be taken on the offender.

Advertising - Users found sharing context of other related game genre and possibly offering positions in return will be banned from the game.

Spamming - You are not allowed to spam, this includes game physics or spamming via in-game chat or radio as this may cause the server to lag or flood systems that slows down systems.

Impersonation - Under no toleration will be given if a user is impersonating a High Authority user or essentially anyone else in order to get away with certain things.

Glitching Vehicles - Players in-game are to respect in-game physics, and at all times avoid glitching Vehicles into buildings, elevators, dropping them into the void or stuck in the wall. This ruins the experience for everyone else.

Boombox - Whilst allowing all types of music to be played within the game, users are not allowed to play audios that are excessively loud or play bypassed audios, these are bannable offences.


Killing Moderators - You are allowed to kill a moderator in a roleplay but you are not authorised to do so if they’re attending an issue and may receive a warning if required.

New Life Rule - Criminals in-game may have killed you with a weapon, but that doesn’t mean they would have it again after respawning. Therefore, users who has been respawned upon death are considered new as if nothing ever happened previously and shall not be killed if no offences has been made*.

*This depends on a case by case basis, Law Enforcers are to follow up with their commanders.

[+] In-Depth Policies

Moderation Rights

There has been instances of users leaving scenes while being questioned by the moderation team, henceforth those voiding questions from moderators will instantly recieve additional warnings for leaving the scene regardless of situations.

Player Executions

Executions are only counted when the other party dies, in this instance, if a combative personnel “accidentally” shoots another combative and the party was able to survive, it may be voided from Team Killing. If however instance was repeated again, it’s clear there’s intentions and a warning will be given for Team Killing.

System Policy

SP, also known as System Policy are essentially policies for the computer in-game in relation to Riots, Radio Panics, Lockdowns etc. Users regardless of their clearance are not to abuse these mechanics as they can really be annoying in situations due to the instances it creates.


Every game requires a Team of Individuals to ensure everyone is abiding to policies set for the game in ensuring everyone is experiencing optimal experience as the developer intended. Users may find the
list of moderators in the group below.

Additionally, you may inform the Executive Administrator, Zulk1fli, if moderators are abusing their authority and giving a disadvantage to the players in-game.