Cracks in union

  • What are you attempting to achieve? To not have cracks in my union because it makes it look weird.

  • What is the issue? There are cracks in my union, here’s a image:

  • What solutions have you tried so far? I tried to search for a solution on youtube or google but i have not found any solution yet.

Huh. Never seen that happen before. What the hell did you even do?


The parts are most likely overlapping and unioning them marks the cracks shape so try separating them and aligning them properly not to let them overlap

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Are you sure there is nothing underneath the unioned parts, anything like an interior wall or a part between layers of the plane for something like a rim on the door or something?

Try messing with the lighting, the only other thing I can think of is lighting bugs

First of all that looks really cool!! I think the issue could be that you have 2 unions overlapping each other.
Also when playing in a server do the unions look glitchy??
Also this could be an issue with the texture.

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Sorry for the late reply, i made this plane model a long time ago and i was stuck with this since then, it seems like i tried to make it the correct size with the other parts by creating a part and duplicating duplicating the cylinder (shape of plane) and cutting through the part with the cylinder and making it a negative part, but it didn’t work very well.

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Try unioning with CSG 3. It’s a beta feature.

Roblox unions are known to be faulty and unoptimized often.

If you have any experience with 3D software such as Blender, Maya or 3D Max then I’d highly recommend making your models there instead.

Hi there,
would you be able to include model so we can repro the problem?
You can DM-me the model too, if you do not wish to share it here.
Thank you!

Hello, i have sent you my plane model!

Got it, thanks! Our team will look at it.

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Hi Skip,
so we have looked at this model, and it seems that the cracks that you observe might be due to use of a “Bucky Ball” as a ball model in CSG3. This (Bucky Ball) was an early feature of CSG3 Beta. Since then we have changed the ball model. Back in early Beta days of CSG3 Devs have complained that Bucky ball geometry is not flush with the cylinder. For example, when you make a capsule by doing a union of a ball with a cylinder, with Bucky ball you can see the seams - sort of like in your plane model. But with the current CSG3 ball model the seams are non-existent.

Would you be able to tell us how old is your CSG3 model - specifically was it created with the initial Beta release of CSG3?

Also, I’ve tried to take the part of your fuselage that shows cracks, and re-union it again - however, separating this part once gives an empty union objects and a negative block. We are looking into this and trying to figure out if this is some sort of additional incompatibility of the early CSG3 beta and the current CSG3 system.

As soon as we find out more, we will get back to you.
Thank you for your patience!


Hello, thank you for your response.

About your quesion, i do not know if it was created with the initial beta release of CSG3, since i have just heard about it.

But, i can check the place versions and i can tell you that i created the back of the plane around end august (27/08/2022 - 28/08/2022).

As of now, that’s all the information i could get.
Again, thank you.

If you union the two unions together does that fix it? You could try turning it into a mesh and seeing if that works. There is a really easy way to convert unions into meshes if you don’t know how to use Blender.

→ Make sure whatever you wanted converted into a mesh is one union/part (you might be able to try them separately as well). Also make sure it has no textures and it’s material is set to Plastic. (You can always re-insert the textures/change material after the process is done)

→ Right click the union in the explorer and select “Save to File”, should save as an OBJ

→ Insert meshpart into workspace, go into the properties and click the file icon beside “MeshId”

→ Insert your saved OBJ into the meshpart, and it should be good.

You will have to set the orientation and position to the same as wherever the union version is at, but it might fix any clipping/cracking in the original union :slight_smile:

Nope, that sadly does not fix it :confused:
Thank you anyway!

Aw darn lol. Did you use CSG to make the shape? Did you mirror anything? Also make sure the positions are correct, one of them might be 1 and the other is like 1.001 lol, not sure 0_0

It seems like i did use CSG V3 while building the plane, since i was building it in August 27 - 28 as i mentioned in another reply.

(edit: well i’m not sure if i had it on while building it.)