Crash reports from specific (trusted) players in specific games

As of 11:30am PST on August 30th, we’ve received a very small amount of crash reports from users in both Jailbreak and Testing Jailbreak.

Edit: One of our testers only crashing in Jailbreak just crashed in Doors. This is not unique to Jailbreak.

  1. We haven’t updated Jailbreak since the 24th so we don’t think it’s anything we’ve done to trigger these.
  2. Appears to only be a Windows related crash. No reports from MacOS or Mobile.
  3. We’ve yet to find a great way to repro.

We believe this may be something from a Roblox update rolling out as today is Wednesday.

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 2.54.17 PM

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 2.54.05 PM

RealResistance here is a trusted Jailbreak player and part of our Testing Team. We first discovered this in our test environment and thought it was something we did until we visited production Jailbreak and found the same crashing.

I posted on X asking other players if they’re seeing crashes and I’m being met with mixed responses. This might be just unhelpful noise so feel free to ignore:

Thank you

A private message is associated with this bug report


I’ve been experiencing crashes in Jailbreak for a while, the whole server would crash and it would show an Internet Connection kick message to everyone. This doesn’t seem to happen in other games that I play, also this crashing isn’t even that rare it happens a lot of times, though it doesn’t happen instantly it happens at random times while we play.

This sounds more like a kick which we were running into yesterday with MemoryStores. That issue should be resolved. Today’s crash reports just close Roblox altogether with no messages.


We’ve been experiencing that for like a month, though I haven’t played in a week now so I can’t really know if that fixed it. About the instant crashes, there have been avatars that instantly crash everyone’s game, but it could be something else. Here’s an video about one that has been deleted by roblox already

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Update, our trusted tester just crashed in Doors. Appears not to be related solely to Jailbreak.


I’d suggest checking the client crash rate % in your dev stats. Have you noticed a substantial increase recently? This would be a more reliable source of data than individual players reporting it, and you could add it onto your OP if so.

In regards to the cause of the issue, I’d assume it’s something to do with Byfron because most instantaneous crashes where the Roblox player just force quits itself are caused by anti-cheat measures being triggered (don’t quote me on this).


Would you be able to check the error report from to see if there happens to be an high amount of ‘corrupted asset data’ errors in the recent few days? One of the games I worked on has similar issue except mobile players also suffer from the crash and there is a sudden rise of errors regarding corrupted assets.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

@asimo3089 Do you have a solid reproduce steps for the crash?
Also what does the creator dashboard say? Does jailbreak experiences a higher crash rate recently? I don’t see any new crashes from jailbreak trending up in the last week from an internal dashboard.

The three contacts I had are now experiencing no crashes while playing today across Doors, Jailbreak, and Jailbreak’s test environment.

I just checked our crash rates and don’t see any significant spikes which is puzzling. Whatever this was, it was on a smaller scale.

Unfortunately I don’t have a way to reproduce the issue. It would just seemingly happen and happen quickly making it hard to diagnose.

Hey, not sure how helpful this is but for about 6-7 minutes jailbreak(and only jailbreak) threw me this error:

Then the last error it threw me was something about data storage not being able to load (no screenshot)
I’m running on the latest version of iPadOS 16.6

Edit: everything is back to normal and working

I’ve also had reports of players crashing while playing my game, I’ve experienced this myself too in my own game as well as PLS DONATE. I’m told by my players that it commonly happens in my game for whatever reason.

I’ve only experienced this issue twice within the past week or two.

Roblox just freezes for a second and closes without any crash popup. Unable to find a proper reprod as well.

still getting it here, can’t really play for any longer.

This is a disconnection other than a crash

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Did you get a crash in jailbreak? If you could constantly reproduce the crash, could you record a video?

I don’t see increased crash rates from either Jailbreak or Doors in the last 7 days.
The only crash spike I noticed was a crash from Ad portal which lasted only for a short while during Aug 28 and Aug 29, but the crash was gone after that.

Crashes are usually normal but also rare. I don’t see jailbreak and doors crashing a lot on clients, so the overall stability of the 2 games look good to me. Since we can’t identify or solidly reproduce the crash issue, it’s difficult for us to continue with any investigation. We’ll try to provide better tools to help identify crash issues reported by developers and players. If you see any increases or spikes in crashes either reported by players or from developer dashboard, please reach out to us.

Not in a jailbreak but it’s all applied to other games than just one single game, not sure if today it’s still occuring, if it does I’ll record one with microprofiler on. < the effect didn’t seem to happen while it’s on but after closing it and wait for a few minutes the crash happens.

The only reproduction step i could do was playing the game for 1 to 3 minutes (in some game like Dummies vs Noobs where instances are cloned a lot may get easier to spot or too many instance to handle, note that minute also goes longer the less basepart the game has or how optimized the game is also not accurate) which for some other people may seem different from me.

small mute = crash pop up shows

a DMP file finally got created after 6 tries, uploaded to Mediafire since 10mb limits and unfortunately i need to create a post in bug report if i want to send DMP there so it’s instead being here.

0.592.0.5920587_20230903T031129Z_Player_CC49A_last.log (3.6 KB)
0.592.0.5920587_20230903T025448Z_Player_772EE_last.log (67.0 KB)

2 logs here again because it was separated

This is happening to me too. Although in every game i play (Natural Disaster Survival, Mic Up, Strongman Simulator) , it freezes the game and then crashes with no warning message after playing for about 1-2 minutes. Started happening to me today.

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Checked the logs, these two errors happened in both logs of the crash.

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I wish I had more information… this is so strange. I wonder if somehow these crashes aren’t being logged or if players are misusing the word “Crash”.

User on Twitter:

Additionally a couple new testers began crashing every time they joined our test environment yesterday. Plus I’ve had a few private messages from players. Perhaps this is just on a very small scale to the point that it looks like noise in the data? Unsure.