Crash while selecting items in workspace

Just experienced a crash when selecting instances in explorer while in play solo. Attached is my crash log. Running Studio v0.644.0.644702 on macOS 14.5.

A private message is associated with this bug report

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi @Usering, I have a few questions that I hope you can answer:

  1. When you were selecting instances, were you clicking on them in the viewport or were you selecting them in the Explorer widget?
  2. Did the crash happen while you were in Play Solo, or did you choose to stop Play Solo and then the crash happened later?
  3. Have you run into this issue again since you first encountered it?


It’s been too long for me to remember exactly what happened. However I have not experienced a crash since.

Hi, quick update. We’re going to close this ticket as it’s stale and we haven’t found anything on our end. If you encounter this issue again, please file a new bug report. Thanks!