This Space marked in red in the image bellow is the no go area or else it will crash. If you try to go there in studio it will crash if you try to move parts in that area it will also crash. I have also tested this in play mode and it also crashed. This only happens in the area marked in red
This bug seem only replicate in one place. I have noticed this happening about a week ago and it can be replicated every time in the marked red space. Outside of the marked red space no crashes happens.
I have done further testing and came to the conclusion that when a mesh model is x amount of distance away it will crash. I have marked just about were it will crash with a red part and demonstrated how to replicated in the gyazo Gif. Screen capture - dd10450b1ea5394aad4e50400e40ba35 - Gyazo
My findings
This only is happening when one is looking at the x amount of distance away mesh . I have also sent the place to my friend to see if it can be replicated on his laptop and it replicated.
I came to the conclusion that this is only happening with my mesh parts. But whats weird is that only my mesh parts seem to crash Roblox. I am attaching also the blender file of the mesh.
I had this issue an our ago where it also do the same thing, Studio and playing normal the game.
After 30 min losing my nerves, spooky wise it fixed it self…
Thanks for reporting the crash, we found some crashes associated with your player Id starting from Jul 8.
It seems related to some rendering issues, we are looking into out.
Having the same issue in my place (both in studio testing and in play mode). Currently testing code, managing the game, etc. are nearly impossible.
If there are any pieces of information I can provide, I would be more than happy to do so.
Edit: Added information. The game is run in team create, myself and @Ahlvie are both experiencing the issue (both in studio testing and play testing). Saving a copy of the game and publishing it to another experience does not fix the problem. This problem is not occurring with all place files or games, but it is with this one. The issue has only started in the last 24-30 hours and was not associated with the creation of any specific code or programming that might cause the client to crash. Server sided code runs correctly when the game begins (prior to crashing) and confirmed by the ability to successfully utilize HttpService.
Hi can you send me a copy of the place file for investigation when you get it? We have a similar report and I want to double check if they were from the same issue. Thanks!
Idk why this is happening but i think its because of the mountain having a lot of corners , OR you duplicated a BUNCH of parts in the same place, try cutting the mountain and see if the thing stops, if it doesn’t then see if u duplicated a lot of parts in that area(like the parts are it he exact same position) hope this helps!
In the case of my project, there was 0 windup to this and the project part count is still nowhere close to high. Problems started occurring shortly after the most recent Roblox update (although it’s possible that’s coincidental).
Problems are still occurring when testing in Studio.