Crashing when opening place

Attempting to open this place, on multiple devices, and by multiple methods will cause a crash.


Could this be related to this issue? (but it could also be the size of the file??)

  • I can’t remember if the place does or doesn’t have team create on
  • The place does load in player, however Studio doesn’t load it.
  • The issue extends to a file I made a few weeks back. The file did previously open.
  • The issues have been occuring for a little over a week now.

Help will be appreciated.

Crash Log

Command line:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Roblox\Versions\version-9973e65efe2e4b70\RobloxStudioBeta.exe

1581100136.15943,19e8,6 Finding AppSettings.xml
1581100136.15943,19e8,6 Opening AppSettings.xml
1581100136.16043,19e8,6 Parsing AppSettings.xml
1581100136.16144,19e8,6 Looking for 'Settings' element in AppSettings.xml
1581100136.16144,19e8,6 Looking for 'ContentFolder' element in AppSettings.xml
1581100136.16144,19e8,6 Looking for 'BaseUrl' element in AppSettings.xml
1581100136.16144,19e8,6 BaseUrl loaded from 'AppSettings.Xml'
1581100136.16144,19e8,6 Looking for 'IsScriptAssetUploadEnabled' element in AppSettings.xml
1581100136.16144,19e8,6 Looking for 'IsAnimationAssetUploadEnabled' element in AppSettings.xml
1581100136.16144,19e8,6 Looking for 'IsImageModelAssetUploadEnabled' element in AppSettings.xml
1581100136.16144,19e8,6 Looking for 'CrashMenu' element in AppSettings.xml
1581100136.16245,19e8,6 BaseUrl:
1581100136.16245,19e8,6 fetchClientSettingDataViaHttps
1581100136.38899,19e8,6 LoadClientSettingsFromLocal group: "ClientAppSettings"
1581100136.38999,19e8,6 LoadClientSettingsFromLocal group: "StudioAppSettings"
1581100136.39099,19e8,6 Studio Version: "0.416.0.375788"
1581100136.39199,19e8,6 CrashReporter Start
1581100136.39199,37cc,6 WatcherThread Started
1581100137.09800,19e8,6 SQUIRREL: "ROBLOX_STUDIO_EXTENSION="
1581100137.10099,19e8,6 SQUIRREL: computed="extensions\qt\SQUIshRobloxReflectionExtensionLibrary.dll"
1581100137.10099,19e8,6 SQUIRREL: extensionPath="extensions\qt\SQUIshRobloxReflectionExtensionLibrary.dll"
1581100138.40575,19e8,6 = en_US
1581100143.74796,19e8,6 Studio D3D9 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 430
1581100143.74796,19e8,6 Studio D3D9 GPU: Vendor 10de Device 0de1
1581100143.74796,19e8,6 Studio D3D9 Driver: nvldumdx.dll
1581100143.95783,19e8,6 ESGamePerfMonitor GPU: Vendor 000010de Device 00000de1
1581100143.95783,19e8,6 ESGamePerfMonitor GPU: SubSys 35051458 Revision 000000a1
1581100143.95783,19e8,6 ESGamePerfMonitor GPU: DedicatedVidMem 1027014656 DedicatedSysMem 0 SharedSystemMemory 4272963584
1581100143.95783,19e8,6 Info: RobloxMainWindow::RobloxMainWindow - start
1581100145.63780,19e8,6 Info: RPC:Constructor Started server - RBX_STUDIO_13372
1581100145.72975,19e8,6 StudioABTests using browserTrackerId 45545933532
1581100149.48395,19e8,6 setAssetFolder C:/Program Files (x86)/Roblox/Versions/version-9973e65efe2e4b70/content
1581100149.54793,19e8,6 Reflection::load C:/Program Files (x86)/Roblox/Versions/version-9973e65efe2e4b70\ReflectionMetadata.xml
1581100158.40263,19e8,6 D3D11 Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GT 430
1581100158.40263,19e8,6 D3D11 Adapter: Vendor 10de Device 0de1 VRAM 979 RAM 4075
1581100158.40263,19e8,6 Caps: ThreadSafe 0 Framebuffer 1 FpFramebuffer 1 Shaders 1 Compute 1 Instancing 1 ConstBuffers 1
1581100158.40263,19e8,6 Caps: Framebuffer: MRT 8 MSAA 8 Stencil 1
1581100158.40263,19e8,6 Caps: Framebuffer: Depth16 1 Depth24 1 DepthFloat 1 DepthClamp 1
1581100158.40263,19e8,6 Caps: Texture: RGB10A2 1 RG11B10F 1
1581100158.40263,19e8,6 Caps: Texture: DXT 1 PVR 0 ETC1 0 ETC2 0 Half 1
1581100158.40263,19e8,6 Caps: Texture: 3D 1 Array 1 Depth 1 MSAA 1 MSAAFP16 0
1581100158.40263,19e8,6 Caps: Texture: NPOT 1 PartialMips 1 CubeMipGen 1 CubeFramebuffer 1
1581100158.40263,19e8,6 Caps: Texture: Size 16384 Units 16
1581100158.40263,19e8,6 Caps: ConstantBufferSize 65536
1581100158.40263,19e8,6 Caps: 32bIdx 1 Memoryless 0
1581100158.40263,19e8,6 Caps: ColorBGR 0 HalfPixelOffset 0 RTFlip 0 MinusOneToOneDepth 0
1581100158.55654,19e8,6 Video memory size: 2147483648
1581100158.98582,19e8,6 Loaded 286 shaders from pack d3d11 variant default_PBR (1171348 bytes)
1581100158.98582,19e8,6 Compiled 286 shaders in 428 ms
1581100159.80779,19e8,6 Info: 		RenderScheduler::RenderScheduler - start
1581100159.80878,19e8,6 Info: 			Marshaller
1581100159.80878,19e8,6 Info: 			RenderJobCyclic
1581100164.37354,19e8,6 Info: 			BindToWorkspace
1581100164.55088,19e8,6 Info: 			ConfigureStats
1581100164.55188,19e8,6 Info: 			RenderJobCyclic
1581100164.65795,19e8,6 Info: RobloxMainWindow::showNativeLoginPageWidgets
1581100164.66796,19e8,6 ======== Studio Startup Times =======
1581100164.66796,19e8,6 FastFlagsLoadTime  : 0.2316 sec
1581100164.66796,19e8,6 Authenticated : NO
1581100164.66796,19e8,6 LoginPageOpenTime  : 28.6406 sec
1581100164.74589,19e8,6 Info: RobloxMainWindow::RobloxMainWindow - end
1581100169.50522,19e8,6 StudioABTests using UserId 47890485
1581100169.91558,19e8,6 Info: RobloxMainWindow::showNativeStartPageWidgets
1581100170.63565,19e8,6 ======== Studio Startup Times =======
1581100170.63565,19e8,6 FastFlagsLoadTime  : 0.2316 sec
1581100170.63565,19e8,6 Authenticated : YES
1581100170.63565,19e8,6 StartPageOpenTime  : 34.6083 sec
1581100174.28844,19e8,6 Error: Forbidden
1581100176.42559,19e8,6 Error: Forbidden
1581100178.60735,19e8,6 Error: Forbidden
1581100182.79429,19e8,6 Error: Forbidden
1581100190.98419,19e8,6 Error: Forbidden
1581100207.21673,19e8,6 Error: Forbidden
1581100239.45698,19e8,6 Error: Forbidden
1581100303.71120,19e8,6 Error: Forbidden
1581100425.19370,19e8,6 Info: GamesPageController::onGameClicked(6)
1581100425.19370,19e8,6 Info: RobloxMainWindow::createAndShowIDEDoc with task EditPlace
1581100426.68280,19e8,6 Info: RobloxIDEDoc::open - start (placeId: 4534342915)
1581100426.80075,19e8,6 Info: 	Locking DataModel
1581100427.03961,19e8,6 Info: 	Initializing Ogre
1581100427.04660,19e8,6 Info: 	Initializing View
1581100427.21338,19e8,6 Info: 	Initializing Explorer
1581100427.21338,19e8,6 Info: 		RobloxViewStudio::RobloxViewStudio - start
1581100427.21338,19e8,6 Info: 			Marshaller
1581100427.21338,19e8,6 Info: 			BindToWorkspace
1581100427.21338,19e8,6 Info: 		RobloxView::RobloxView - end
1581100427.68698,19e8,6 Info: 			BindToWorkspace
1581100542.44312,19e8,6 Info: 			ConfigureStats
1581100542.44312,19e8,6 Info: 			RenderJobCyclic
1581100543.14432,19e8,6 Info: 	Loading File : 
1581100543.45798,19e8,6 Info: 	Open Success
1581100543.86975,19e8,6 Info: RobloxIDEDoc::openPlaceSessionConfigWithStream - end
1581100543.93222,19e8,6 Info: RobloxIDEDoc::activate - start
1581100543.93823,19e8,6 Info: RobloxMainWindow::showTabWidgets
1581100546.31775,121c,6 Info: DataModel Loading
1581100551.31268,121c,6 AutocompleteException: syntax error: [string ""]:1: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got '.'
1581100551.31366,121c,6 AutocompleteException: syntax error: [string ""]:1: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got '.'
1581100551.54904,121c,6 AutocompleteException: syntax error: [string ""]:1: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got '.'
1581100551.54904,121c,6 AutocompleteException: syntax error: [string ""]:1: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got '.'
1581100551.55002,121c,6 AutocompleteException: syntax error: [string ""]:1: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got '.'
1581100551.56302,121c,6 AutocompleteException: syntax error: [string ""]:1: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got '.'
1581100553.59149,37cc,6 Info: StartProcessException...
System Details

CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Memory: 8GB DDR3
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 430


Opens on my Studio. Do you have latest version of Studio?


I’m using version 416. Is there a way to force an update?


1 Like

That’s interesting… You should have already been updated. If you go to %localappdata%\Roblox\Versions, do you see a folder named “version-1c0a31c76cd645fe”? If you open the task manager (Ctrl+Shift+Escape) & your old version of Studio, find Studio in the task manager, and right click > Open File Location, is it in AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions, Program Files (x86), or neither?

Also, if you open regedit and go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ROBLOX Corporation\Environments\roblox-studio, what is the value of curQTStudioVer?



C:\Program Files (x86)\Roblox\Versions\version-9973e65efe2e4b70


Side note - I’m currently uploading DMP files to a file host.

Can you go to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ROBLOX Corporation\Environments\roblox-studio and provide the curQtStudioVer from there?

Afterwards, I would recommend deleting C:\Program Files (x86)\Roblox and running %localappdata%\Roblox\Versions\RobloxStudioLauncherBeta.exe. That should get you updated to the latest version and fix the weird admin/non-admin Studio install split.


Sorry for the late reply.


Will do.

EDIT: Posted a crash report

Yep. The issue is now solved and I can open the place file as intended.

1 Like

@Subcritical_alt The issue has annoyingly reared its ugly head again.

Not sure how or why, but trying to open this place causes my computer to freeze in its entirety. iirc the place has team create on.

Crash Log

Command line:
C:\Users\Elliott\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-1c0a31c76cd645fe\RobloxStudioBeta.exe -startEvent -url -ticket [redacted] -task EditPlace -universeId 1498197984 -placeId 4595313500 -readyEvent RBX-1686982570-XXXX-XXXX-161678820117517530183 -browserTrackerId 

1581160290.19282,1e88,6 Finding AppSettings.xml
1581160290.19282,1e88,6 Opening AppSettings.xml
1581160290.19781,1e88,6 Parsing AppSettings.xml
1581160290.19781,1e88,6 Looking for 'Settings' element in AppSettings.xml
1581160290.19781,1e88,6 Looking for 'ContentFolder' element in AppSettings.xml
1581160290.19781,1e88,6 Looking for 'BaseUrl' element in AppSettings.xml
1581160290.19881,1e88,6 BaseUrl loaded from 'AppSettings.Xml'
1581160290.19881,1e88,6 Looking for 'IsScriptAssetUploadEnabled' element in AppSettings.xml
1581160290.19881,1e88,6 Looking for 'IsAnimationAssetUploadEnabled' element in AppSettings.xml
1581160290.19881,1e88,6 Looking for 'IsImageModelAssetUploadEnabled' element in AppSettings.xml
1581160290.19881,1e88,6 Looking for 'CrashMenu' element in AppSettings.xml
1581160290.19881,1e88,6 BaseUrl:
1581160290.19881,1e88,6 fetchClientSettingDataViaHttps
1581160291.37707,1e88,6 LoadClientSettingsFromLocal group: "ClientAppSettings"
1581160291.37807,1e88,6 LoadClientSettingsFromLocal group: "StudioAppSettings"
1581160291.38307,1e88,6 Studio Version: "0.418.1.380321"
1581160291.38407,1e88,6 CrashReporter Start
1581160291.38407,2dc4,6 WatcherThread Started
1581160291.92074,1e88,6 SQUIRREL: "ROBLOX_STUDIO_EXTENSION="
1581160291.92074,1e88,6 SQUIRREL: computed="extensions\qt\SQUIshRobloxReflectionExtensionLibrary.dll"
1581160291.92074,1e88,6 SQUIRREL: extensionPath="extensions\qt\SQUIshRobloxReflectionExtensionLibrary.dll"
1581160291.97270,1e88,6 = en_US
1581160292.24253,1e88,6 Studio D3D9 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 430
1581160292.24253,1e88,6 Studio D3D9 GPU: Vendor 10de Device 0de1
1581160292.24253,1e88,6 Studio D3D9 Driver: nvldumdx.dll
1581160292.24753,1e88,6 ESGamePerfMonitor GPU: Vendor 000010de Device 00000de1
1581160292.24753,1e88,6 ESGamePerfMonitor GPU: SubSys 35051458 Revision 000000a1
1581160292.24753,1e88,6 ESGamePerfMonitor GPU: DedicatedVidMem 1027014656 DedicatedSysMem 0 SharedSystemMemory 4272963584
1581160292.24753,1e88,6 Info: RobloxMainWindow::RobloxMainWindow - start
1581160292.30949,1e88,6 Info: RPC:Constructor Started server - RBX_STUDIO_10348
1581160292.30949,1e88,6 StudioABTests using browserTrackerId 45545933532
1581160293.04804,1e88,6 setAssetFolder C:/Users/Elliott/AppData/Local/Roblox/Versions/version-1c0a31c76cd645fe/content
1581160293.07302,1e88,6 Reflection::load C:/Users/Elliott/AppData/Local/Roblox/Versions/version-1c0a31c76cd645fe\ReflectionMetadata.xml
1581160295.44557,1e88,6 D3D11 Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GT 430
1581160295.44557,1e88,6 D3D11 Adapter: Vendor 10de Device 0de1 VRAM 979 RAM 4075
1581160295.44557,1e88,6 Caps: ThreadSafe 0 Framebuffer 1 FpFramebuffer 1 Shaders 1 Compute 1 Instancing 1 ConstBuffers 1
1581160295.44557,1e88,6 Caps: Framebuffer: MRT 8 MSAA 8 Stencil 1
1581160295.44557,1e88,6 Caps: Framebuffer: Depth16 1 Depth24 1 DepthFloat 1 DepthClamp 1
1581160295.44557,1e88,6 Caps: Texture: RGB10A2 1 RG11B10F 1
1581160295.44557,1e88,6 Caps: Texture: DXT 1 PVR 0 ETC1 0 ETC2 0 Half 1
1581160295.44557,1e88,6 Caps: Texture: 3D 1 Array 1 Depth 1 MSAA 1 MSAAFP16 0
1581160295.44557,1e88,6 Caps: Texture: NPOT 1 PartialMips 1 CubeMipGen 1 CubeFramebuffer 1
1581160295.44557,1e88,6 Caps: Texture: Size 16384 Units 16
1581160295.44557,1e88,6 Caps: ConstantBufferSize 65536
1581160295.44557,1e88,6 Caps: 32bIdx 1 Memoryless 0
1581160295.44557,1e88,6 Caps: ColorBGR 0 HalfPixelOffset 0 RTFlip 0 MinusOneToOneDepth 0
1581160295.47455,1e88,6 Video memory size: 2147483648
1581160295.49354,1e88,6 Loaded 286 shaders from pack d3d11 variant default (1224564 bytes)
1581160295.49354,1e88,6 Compiled 286 shaders in 18 ms
1581160295.51952,1e88,6 Info: 		RenderScheduler::RenderScheduler - start
1581160295.51952,1e88,6 Info: 			Marshaller
1581160295.51952,1e88,6 Info: 			RenderJobCyclic
1581160296.90066,1e88,6 Info: 			BindToWorkspace
1581160296.94466,1e88,6 Info: 			ConfigureStats
1581160296.94466,1e88,6 Info: 			RenderJobCyclic
1581160296.94966,1e88,6 Info: RobloxMainWindow::showNativeLoginPageWidgets
1581160296.95865,1e88,6 ======== Studio Startup Times =======
1581160296.95865,1e88,6 FastFlagsLoadTime  : 1.1903 sec
1581160296.95865,1e88,6 Authenticated : NO
1581160296.95865,1e88,6 LoginPageOpenTime  : 6.9325 sec
1581160296.97564,1e88,6 Info: RobloxMainWindow::RobloxMainWindow - end
1581160298.64060,1e88,6 StudioABTests using UserId 47890485
1581160299.02737,1e88,6 Info: RobloxMainWindow::createAndShowIDEDoc with task EditPlace
1581160299.48811,1e88,6 Info: Connecting to server...
1581160307.39775,2f80,7 NetworkClient:Create
1581160307.46079,2f80,7 Client:Connect serverPort(54430) clientPort(0) threadSleepTime(-1)
1581160307.51879,2f80,6 Connecting to
1581160307.51879,2f80,7 Connecting to server, IP(inet_addr): 252277888 Port: 54430
1581160307.65098,2e64,6 Connection accepted from|54430
1581160307.69075,2e64,7 serverId:|54430
1581160307.69175,2e64,7 Replicator created for player|54430
1581160307.69175,2e64,7 Replicator created: 000001F926D60030
1581160307.85498,2dec,7 Time taken to initialize schema = 37.464699 ms
1581160307.85598,2dec,7 Assigned peer id = 2
1581160307.85698,2dec,7 Join snapshot timer: 0.886000
1581160309.28461,1e3c,6 AutocompleteException: syntax error: [string ""]:1: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got '.'
1581160309.28461,1e3c,6 AutocompleteException: syntax error: [string ""]:1: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got '.'
1581160309.28560,1e3c,6 AutocompleteException: syntax error: [string ""]:1: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got '.'
1581160309.28560,1e3c,6 AutocompleteException: syntax error: [string ""]:1: Expected identifier when parsing expression, got '.'
1581160369.38654,2f3c,7 Disconnect reason received: 268

Should I send another crash dump?

Does this happen if you disable the Luau Beta Feature? If so, you will just need to live without it until it is fixed. You can DM the Studio Crash Reports group an attachment of the place (once you disable the BF and are able to open it) so we can reproduce and fix the crash.

I disabled the Enable New Lua VM beta feature and the bug still occurs. The entire computer freezes and requires a forced restart.

EDIT: It seems that it didn’t actually save the Beta Feature choice. Disabling luau beta (and new script analysis beta) worked. I’ve DM’d the place file.


We actually saw this same issue today. With --!strict at the top of the script and trying to reference a function that didn’t exist in another module we were requiring would cause studio to freeze upon saving the script changes for the editor and when anyone tried to open the place in studio their client would freeze up again. We had to revert back several hours to fix the issue.

We learned that if we had multiple people in studio it would only cause the person who made the script change to freeze up, and if another person in studio were to edit that script without the incorrect reference then everyone would be able to open the place in studio again. It appears to be some issue with intellisense just completely freezing the client though. At least that’s what it was for us and we have nearly identical log files.

Going to close this since it is marked as solved and was necrobumped