Crated my 2. thumbnail today

So I finished my 2. thumbnail today, does it look better than the 1. one?

my first thumbnail;

my second thumbnail;

So what can I improve next time?


I would recommend you watermarking your designs as anyone can download your creations and use them whenever they want. As for feedback, they’re pretty good although the likes and dislikes look blurred so maybe change that but overall 8/10


on the second one i would switch the blue and the red gradient in the text
It is hard to read on the left side


Before I begin, as mentioned before, please always watermark your designs!

  1. The first picture is too bright, in my opinion and it seems pretty basic. I do like the color scheme and the fonts!

  2. The only issue I find the the second one, but the likes & dislikes are extremely blurry.

Great work!

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