Crater Module for creating craters

Hi devs!

I was really bored today so i got an old piece code of mine for creating craters and revamped it into a model for creating craters

Here is how it works

local module = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.CraterModule)
rocksize should be a number
Position should be Vector3
radius should be number

Here is showcase

(This video is an older version of the module, now its much more optimized)

Here is the module
Crater Module

and the Test place
Crater.rbxl (35.4 KB)

The module have some bugs with the radius/size ratio which I can fix but currently I don’t have the time to do so. The module is not anything special and I’m not really proud of it so yea. Don’t expect big updates

Feel free to edit and post versions with your changes. Constructive criticism is welcomed.


This looks cool, good job!

I don’t have a use for it, but good job, the only thing I would change is it looks like from the video that there are studs on the parts, just change that then it would be great :slight_smile:

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Hey bro, this is just what I needed thanks!

This looks great! I might use this for a game I’m working on! Thanks!

Thanks for making this, will certainly use it

i never find things 1st try, tyyy

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I like this module alot! But I think there needs to be more parameters in the constructor to better suit the result you’re looking for.

You could suggest something to add and i will look into it!


Is there a way, where the parts that are generated, can jiggle for a bit and then settle down?