CrazTrail Module

and you have yet to see what I mean, this is hilarious

you don’t understand why I said those three do you?


let’s start off with Changed, so what is different?
well Changed runs whenever an instance changes, you can’t do that with my module because the trail instance isn’t the only thing changing properties and you can’t access the trail at all unless you know where it is, there are multiple things changing at once.

TrailAdded and TrailRemoved

why TrailAdded over ChildAdded and why TrailRemoved over ChildRemoved, well you can’t easily detect when this stuff happens, like I said less work for the scripter or anyone using this

these signals are here to make you have less code and making everything efficient and clean

I still see no use cases for those specific events, if anything they already exist in the normal Trail instance

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I edited my message btw, I explain stuff
the default signals for the instances wouldn’t work well at all

also ChildAdded and ChildRemoved check if a child is added or removed from an instance and that is not the same as what TrailAdded and TrailRemoved do because they run when a trail is added to anything or removed from anything not a specific instance

You can literally just do this??

	if Child == [] then
		-- Do stuff

Same goes for ChildRemoved

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you are such a dense person aren’t you…
it’s annoying when people don’t think about what other people are actually talking about

also yes ik DescendantAdded and DescendantRemoving are a thing but that is still unnecessary code

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I like this module, it does something with trails I didn’t even know was possible. Just being a little nitpicky here, but you use pcalls pretty excessively here:
It’s nothing really major, and the script still works and performs correctly which is what really matters. But for the sake of being neat, you can get rid of the pcalls and use this, which uses the :IsA method:

if typeof(Clone) == "Instance" then
			if #Clone:GetChildren() ~= 0 then
				Clone = Value:Clone()
			elseif Clone:IsA("GuiLabel") then --The object has a "Text" property
				Type = "Text"
			elseif Clone:IsA("ValueBase") then --The object has a "Value" property
				Type = "Value"
		elseif typeof(tonumber(Clone)) == "number" then
			Type = "Number"

Despite what other people said (@RealExoctic), even though some people can’t find a use for this, other people can (like me), and that doesn’t make it a bad resource.

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I didn’t use this because I didn’t know ValueBase was a thing, tysm

this has to be in a PCall because if you don’t enter an instance it will error

I made fixes on V2 already tho(coming out in july)
those two functions that check the numbers are improved into one function and have less code

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Before this you check if the Clone variable is an Instance

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yea that was my exact solution to the problem, thanks for the help tho
love the feedback

thats not even possible as far as i know but DORYU is trying to make it possible

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It is very possible, and it’s not hard to do it.

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is it currently possible to make it one color only? i am trying to make an ice floor effect

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not yet, that will be a V2 feature

I was supposed to release V2 a while ago but I’m on vacation until July 4th sorry

yea it’s fairly simple to make

the hard one to make will be Touched lmao

as I said before I am getting back July 4th, however V2 will not be worked on because I’m going to try and get a huge update done for a game I’m working on

also both CrazTrail and MathModule will be given a new post and a new name when they get to their next version which will be worked on after that huge update

EDIT: fixed the hyperlinks

hello! are u still working on the module?

I am going to continue working on this after I finish two other small projects
after that I am going to work on this module again

i guess this project was abandoned

videos would be cool, pictures don’t exactly show how it looks well.