Crazy Taxi concept Vehicle

Concept Video: Crazy Roblox Taxi Concept - YouTube

For those who do not know: Crazy Taxi is a game in which you drive a Taxi and have to deliver people to their destinations, by using jumps, crashing into vehicles and parking as close to the center of the spot as possible you get cash which is your score.

This game uses super arcade-y driving which lets you slip and slide around like some tokyo drifter. That doesn’t work too well with a physics-based solution…Unless you simplify the physics!

My solution is using a single ball, which rolls around. The taxi is purely graphical as the ball rolls around using Roblox’s built in AssemblyAngularVelocity. Handbraking works using a simple attribute, If it’s true get rid of all rotational velocity which acts as a simple brake to slow you down!

Everything else operates using basic vehicle seat logic.

The benefits to using a ball for your physics is that you can achieve drifting by simply letting the ball roll.