Creamz | Job Information and Tasks

In the following article you will find:
-How to achieve each rank
-How to rank up
-Each ranks’ responsibilities.

Ranking up for chefs:
Chef - Pass a training to become a Chef
Junior Chef - 1250 CreamzPoints
Senior Chef - 2500 CreamzPoints
Interchangable - 3500 CreamzPoints
Leader - 5000 CreamzPoints
NOTE: Say !rankup to rank up if you have enough points.

Ranking up for creamers:
Creamer - Pass a training to become a Creamer
Junior Creamer - 1250 CreamzPoints
Senior Creamer - 2500 CreamzPoints
Interchangable - 3500 CreamzPoints
Leader - 5000 CreamzPoints
NOTE: Say !rankup to rank up if you have enough points.

How to get a job:
To start off your Creamz journey, you will have to pass a quiz at the Application Center. You will be ranked to Trainee (rank 2) if you pass.

NOTE: You will have to join the group first to be ranked, you will be kicked if you haven’t. To stop people that are already higher than Trainee from accidentally taking the quiz and then becoming a lower rank, you will be kicked if you are rank 3 or higher.

Lower Ranks

[2] Trainee
Congratulations! You passed the application and you are feeling proud, as you should! However, since trainees do not know how to work yet, you are to attend a training at the Training Center to start working as either a Creamer or Chef.

[3] Creamer
Congratulations! You passed a training to become a Creamer! Your job is to serve up the ice cream and drinks. If a customer orders a pastry item, you are to submit an order to the chefs using the Ordering System, by clicking on a tablet.

[4] Chef
Congratulations! You passed a training to become a Chef! Your job is to make the pastries submitted by the Creamers.

[5] Junior Creamer
You have been working hard doing your job, and you have reached 1250 CreamzPoints. You still got the same job, but you have been working hard, amazing!

[6] Junior Chef
You have been working hard doing your job, and you have reached 1250 CreamzPoints. You still got the same job, but you have been working hard, amazing!

[7] Senior Creamer
You have been working hard doing your job, and you have reached 2500 CreamzPoints. You’re getting close to rank 9. You are to help lower ranks out.

[8] Senior Chef
You have been working hard doing your job, and you have reached 2500 CreamzPoints. You’re getting close to rank 9. You are to help lower ranks out.

[9] Interchangable
Congrats on your promotion! You can now work as both a Creamer or Chef, and you are so close to Leader!