Create a better Environment for Low Poly Map

Hey - I’m currently working on a commission and I’ve spent quite a long time on the shops/sell points and got them to an admirable state and then it came time for the environment; my weak point.

I really want to get this map to be a high quality product for my customer.

I’ve spent multiple hours today creating tons of different hills and rocks and trying to design different islands.

Any feedback or ideas for a border/surrounding item would be incredibly helpful.



•I would make sure to disable the smooth shading for the grass.
•for the large baseplate of grass, I would personally make it have a different texture from the path, even if it’s just a slight variation, to increase contrast between the path and the grass.
•I would also add trees and large, colorful flowers.
•Maybe add some small rocks
If there are going to be items you pick up in this area, it should look fine, although the trees might be a problem if a pickup spawns in them.
Great work so far!

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Why are some of the top parts smooth shaded, wouldn’t it make sense to make everything flat shaded? Aside from that and what tehgreatdoge said this looks pretty good.


Add some NPC’s scripts and model below:
Players NPC reload when avatar updated:

local username = “insert username here”" --what user you wanna load
local userid = nil --if you’re more comfortable with userIds, weirdo
local applyname = nil --changes name of the model to username

– CODE –
local uid = userid or game.Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(username)
local char = script.Parent
local humdesc = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(uid)

if applyname then char.Name = game.Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(uid) end

char.Animate.Disabled = false

animations script: local animation = script:WaitForChild(‘Animation’)
local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild(‘Humanoid’)
local dance = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)

Then insert a animation in to the animations script.

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The map looks pretty nice but a bit empty, I would start by adding some more decoration s.a; (pine) trees / hills and maybe some paths leading to a coming soon sign / gate.

For the hills I’d recommend to keep them all shade flat and a bit more brighter (as well for the bottom part of the hill) so they fit your ground / path color. Behind the hills I wouldnt really place anything since it already looks good the way it is.

To make your maps look better I would also suggest playing around with the lighting a bit. A example of a more cartoon lighting settings could be: example

Else then that I’d recommend checking out how other simulators did it and maybe inspire it a bit.

Good luck on your commission, it looks wonderful so far!