Hello Everyone, my name is Drakosor677
So, I’m very “new” in this scripting world, and I wanted to create something like a
‘countdown’ wich starts in 0% till 100%.
But, the problem is: I can’t create one.
And worst of all, and this is why i come here, it’s because this code don’t work.
I Tried to desactivate all of my plugins, but it’s still not working.
I Tried to make the code more simpler, but nothing works.
Here’s an Example
I tried to create one but it looks very horrible.
I unfortunately, i don’t have amy screenshot to show.
But here’s an example:
local coutdown = game.StarterGui.coutdown
coutdown.TextLabel.Text = (“33%”)
wait (0.08)
coutdown.TextLabel.Text = (“34%”)
coutdown.TextLabel.Text = (“35%”)
wait (0.08)
If someone could help me, i really aprecciate.
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Simplest way of going about that is a localscript like this in the TextLabel
local textlabel = script.Parent
for i = 0, 100 do
textlabel.Text = i.."%"
Ah yes, welcome to the scripting world! Where we talk about the Matrix & CFRAME PAIN & all that complicated Stuff
I do see a couple of things that you can change:
Getting the StarterGui you referenced in your coutdown
variable is actually being replicated to the server’s side, and not from yours
You can actually put the Text through a loop, then it’ll slowly progress through every time it’s repeated
Have you looked at how LocalScripts
work? They can be used to easily get the PlayerGui that way
I’ll give an example:
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local PlayerGui = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
local Countdown = PlayerGui:WaitForChild("coutdown")
for Progress = 1, 100 do
Countdown.TextLabel.Text = (Progress.."%")
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