I’ve been interested in @Pulsarnova ’s game Space Sailors recently and I wondered how I would be able to recreate the robotic arm on the ISS, example:
I figured that the “main” part (let’s call it the head) is controlled by the player, while the other parts are unanchored, and “controlled” by some kind of constraints. If someone can help me I’d be grateful.
probably inverse kinematics
You can read up about it here.
New to Animation Editor: Inverse Kinematics (IK)
We are happy to announce that the Studio Animation Editor now supports Inverse Kinematics (IK) on R15 rigs! Unlike Inverse Kinematics in other animation suites, the Studio Animation Editor does not use Inverse Kinematics at runtime. Instead, all of your transformations done in IK are baked directly into the keyframes of your animation. This feature is still experimental and is entirely optional. We would love to have your thoughts and feedback on …
You can also find IK Methods here - Resource by the community.
Alright, It’s time to test this baby out on my Tripod. I am looking forward for what is to come.
EDIT I been messing around with your Mech, and I have notice some major improvements to the CCDIK.
Noticed Improvements:
slower to move gives of a realistic movement.
*Other Parts Correct themselves.
*Joint Movement is more Restrictive of angles.