Create a realistic rope with constraints

Hi all, I’m new to constraints, so excuse me if this is a really simple question (or actually impossible), but I’m trying to create a realistic looking rope, where it collides with other parts.
Using a RopeConstraint looks the part, however does not collide with other parts, and using multiple parts connected with BallSocketConstraints has the physics I like, however does not look the part, as it is very obviously just multiple parts connected together.

Using a RodConstraint to do the visualisation produces a slightly better effect, but still not perfect

You can try to use purely visual rope constraints to tie together the loose ends to make it look 100% connected.

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What are you wanting this for? Is it just decoration or is it supposed to move?

@BullfrogBait, that’s an interesting idea. Have you actually done it, and if so, could you share a picture so I could see how it looks?

I haven’t done this, just an idea I had, I usually tend to stay away from constraint objects because physics in itself gives me migraines.

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Looks a bit better, however it becomes erratic and moves about. How do you go about making it purely visual?

I’m not the best with constraints, but I was thinking maybe have them connected like before in this photo:

And then in the red, add rope constraints in between the gaps to make them look connected:

I think you might have to play around with the rope constraints settings to get them to just be visual.

In a bit I’ll get into studio perhaps and look into this myself.

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I also tried really small parts connected with Rods.

It’s OK, but to be fair I’d rather lose the metal rods connected look, but I guess it might be the best I might be able to do in Roblox.

i am sorry but you cant make it this is cause roblox physics suck but i dont think there is way except using ball const

U need alot of work that does not look great