Create Bombight maps with the Map Maker plugin

Map rules

  1. Maps must follow the Roblox Community Rules and Terms of Service.
  2. Maps must only consist of Models, Parts, MeshParts, BlockMeshes, SpecialMeshes, Textures, PointLights, SurfaceLights, SpotLights, and Decals.
  3. Maps have a maximum length and width of 250 studs and a maximum height 150 studs. Do not attempt to circumvent this limit.
  4. You must not use models that you don’t have permission to use.
  5. You must have explicit permission from the Map Creator(s) before publishing your map.
  6. Prior to submitting, you must acknowledge that you grant Makuwro an exclusive, perpetual, non-transferrable license to use your map in Bombight if your map is approved.
    • You may request for Makuwro to remove your map from the list for any reason at any time by messaging @Bombight on Twitter.

Failure to follow these rules may result in your Roblox account being blacklisted from the Map Maker, banned from Bombight, and/or reported to Roblox depending on the severity.

Creating a map

Keeping the rules in mind, you have nearly full control over how you want your map to look like. You can use whatever building plugin you like (i.e. F3X), or use the default building tools included in Studio.

Part names

You can mark parts as Normal (or Part), Barrier, Breakable, or Spawn. Parts that are named anything else besides these are ignored when you publish the map.


These parts are for directing explosions. They are usually invisible and are placed above the ground. Players can walk on these parts, but they can’t be destroyed.

Note: Make these parts collide through Spawns and Barriers, but NOT Breakables.


These indestructible parts are for protecting players against explosions. They are usually placed above the ground.


These parts are for DESTRUCTION! They can hold a random hidden item, and allows the players to access more parts of the map when they are destroyed.


These parts are for spawning the players. They’re usually at each corner of the map, placed above the ground, and are invisible.

Publishing a map

After you create a map, you can send it off for review! Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Group your map into a Model by selecting all of the parts and pressing Ctrl-G.

  2. Install the Bombight Map Maker plugin.

  3. After installing, click the Publish Map button on the Bombight toolbar.

  4. If prompted, verify your identity by joining the verification game and entering the code provided in the white box. Press Enter when you’re finished.

  5. Select the Model you created in Step 1.

  6. Press Next.

    • If Next isn’t an option, please make sure that your map is 250x150x250 studs. You can make sure of this by using Model:GetExtentsSize().
  7. Type in a map name and fill in the usernames or IDs of any co-creators that helped you make the map.

  8. Press Next.

  9. Press Next again.

  10. Wapow! Your map has been sent out for review. You’ll get a message in Bombight regarding your map status.

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