Hello, everyone!
For the longest time, I’ve been bothered about how decals always appear washed out when in direct sunlight, specifically the specular highlight, and overall making them look unrealistic and non-3D.
Should be noted that this feature could break at any time and should be used with caution! This is an unintended side affect of terrain materials not functioning with BaseParts
I was fumbling around with Enums and had the bright idea of changing the decal material to “Air” an unlisted material. This appears to have no specular highlights of any kind, so it’s perfect for decals!
How to eliminate specular highlights on decal surfaces
In your decal creation script, simply set the material of the decal’s part to “Air” like so:
decal_part.Material = Enum.Material.Air
Decal material set to anything besides Air, demonstrated using a rocket impact & blood splatter:
Same examples, but with the material set to “Air” instead:

Another example with bullet holes on the ground with material set to air:
And blood’s material set to air:
Blood’s material set to icky icky plastic or anything else:
Just did a test with 100 bullet holes spawning at once with their materials set to Air on a very complex mesh. Performs a lot better than if the materials were plastic. Possibly because the engine doesn’t need to draw highlights or anything for these objects. They also receive lighting updates, so don’t worry about a bright red decal in a dark room.