Create Dictionaries with Code?


How do I make dictionaries like this with code?

You could try and use table.insert(), adding blank dictionaries and then filling them with information:

local dict = {}
table.insert(dict, {})
table.insert(dict, "hi")
table.insert(dict[1], "info")
table.insert(dict[1], {})

--expected output: {{"info", {}}, "hi"}
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Simply define each key followed by an equal sign and add a value, remembering to separate each key-value duo with a comma.


local Dictionary = {
  SectionA = {
    Value1 = "Hello",
    Value2 = "Goodbye",
  SectionB = {
    Vaule1 = "Good morning",
    Value2 = "Goodnight",

print(Dictionary.SectionA["Value1"]) -- Output: Hello
print(Dictionary.SectionB["Value2"]) -- Output: Goodnight

You can learn more on them here:

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Found out u could simply do, thanks anyways!

for i, part in modelPart:GetDescendants() do
	if part:IsA("Part") then
		local properties = {}
		properties["Type"] = "Part"
		properties["Color"] = tostring(part.Color)
		properties["Material"] = tostring(part.Material)
		properties["CFrame"] = tostring(part.CFrame)
		properties["Size"] = tostring(part.Size)
		properties["Reflectance"] = part.Reflectance
		properties["Shape"] = tostring(part.Shape)
		partsInModel[part.Name] = properties