Create hold animation

I’ve been using this tutorial to create an fps framework:
Designing an FPS Framework: Beginner’s guide - Resources / Community Tutorials - DevForum | Roblox

But, I’m stuck on the hold animation since I can’t create it.
Anyone have an animation link or know how to create the hold animation because whenever I create it, it looks messed up.

I think I know how to create a Hold animation.

The one thing I don’t understand is why cant you do it?

Whenever I create it the weapon just doesn’t show up completely

Try clearing the Motor6D’s (Handle Motor) C0 to an empty CFrame before welding the gun to the vierwmodel

try Tool Grip Editor plugin to tune tool postion

Hi, I figured out that the problem was that my model was rotated 180 degrees, so the whole thing looked the opposite. I also had to manually adjust the position and rotation of the gun and the view model so it looked close to perfect.

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