I am trying to achieve a hose that doesn’t spin in the way it does in this video
Current I am using two parts with a attachment in each
And then I tried using a rope with a max length value set, I also tried using a spring with limits enabled
The issue I ran into with both is in the video
Any way to avoid this and achieve the look I want?
Hi! I don’t understand what you’re trying to achieve.
I see yellow hose with black thing at the end of it, hose should be on rope, and black think shouldn’t spin, right?
If your “like” is agree, then i think you can use WeldConstraint to weld black part to yellow
Ropes, Springs, and Rods don’t have any type of force at the end of the Attachment that keeps them aligned.
If you want the joint to have some flexibility, but not be unrestrained you can do a couple of things.
If the yellow is one Part and the black is a second Part with Attachments you’d like to join then use a BallSocketConstraint. You can adust how much the joint tilts as well as how much it rotates. The Restitution will help to dampen the effect of the tilting.
You can also use a UniversalConstraint which does much the same thing, without zero spin, just tilt. It also has Restitution to control how flexible it is.
The yellow is not a part, the yellow is a RopeConstraint therefore it cannot be welded to a part.
I am trying to use a rope or spring so it can have flexibility such as bending, swinging, etc
Im trying to secure the black part so it doesn’t spin crazy as shown in the video but I still want it to move with the yellow piece which is a rope.
If you wish for the black piece to not spin around then you will want a AlignOrientationConstraint use the same attachments you did for the rope with this and your black part wont spin it will instead rigidly stay a certain orientation(you probably don’t want that).
If you want the black part to be attached to the end of the hose then you will have to abandon RopeConstraints and instead make a rope constraint out of several segments joined together by BallInSocketConstraints to form your rope then weld your end peice to the last segment of your rope(this has the bonus of having collisions with the environtment). I you want the rope to be stiffer then you can add TorsionSpringConstraints into the segments along with the BallInSocketConstraints with low stiffness values to make the rope want to straighten out but still be mostly flacid and you have you hose!
EDIT: I am making an exmple of what i am showing if my block of text doesn’t explain well enough I’ll add it another edit when i am done.
EDIT2: Video of the hose effect.
robloxapp-20250201-0043073.wmv (7.2 MB)
This what you want?
In this case i think it’s impossible to solve without hundreds of very difficult script lines, so only things i can submit you is use multiple parts and weld them with BallInSocketConstraints. (as @baackup_1st said)
Or if you don’t want, this, then “hide” rotation using ball part instead cylinder
Thanks to all, I am going to create a new hose with segments instead of the rope or spring constraint, thank you!
Just be careful.
Too many constraints in an assembly can lead to the parts bouncing around.
I’d suggest using BallSockets (@oke60000 just to clarify your comment, you don’t weld them with BallSocketConstraints ) but set both the TwistLimit to 0 degrees and the UpperAngle limits so the hose doesn’t bend around into itself. Then experiment with Restitution to keep the bends from bouncing around when they reach the Angle limits.
Hi, thanks for clarifying. I don’t know English so good, how should i call it?
No worries.
Welds or WeldConstraints are solid connections between 2 parts.
You were correct with saying BallSocketConstraints, but just don’t say to weld them.
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