Create "publish to all places in game" and "shutdown all servers in game" options

When pushing out updates to your game with multiple places, it can often be a hassle to have to manually update and reboot servers for each place. This process can be ESPECIALLY ANNOYING if you have more than 4-5 places in your game.

The solution is fairly simple: please add an option to publish to all places in a game, and an option to shut down all servers in a game

Artist depiction:


I cannot stress the need for this enough. I have two universes with close to 75 total places. Updating my game is a pain… every… single… time. LinkedSource scripts used to be god-tier at this, but they were sunset.

“Publish Whole Game” also used to do literally what OP is asking for, but it was removed due to Packages IIRC. Now that Packages allow publishing with permutation, there’s no need to hide this functionality anymore.


Sometimes I feel like Im talking to an empty void when I make feature requests. The lack of this feature has made me lose hours worth of my life by itself. Please implement this.


Every single bug report and feature request i have ever filed has been completely ignored or forgetten (it seems). It’s really getting on my nerves. I’ve been trying my hardest to keep my composure but when I’m being basically ghosted for months on end and it’s seriously pissing me off.

Oh well. It’s not up to me what gets done and what doesn’t. The most I can do is hope. Have a happy new year DevRel and devforum members.

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Feature requests hardly ever get staff responses, many are actually silently implemented without a single reply from a staff member in the topic years after they were filed. You are in the lucky position in-where you can actually file feature-requests (only regular+ can do so, and regular is invite-only)

There are also thousands of other feature-requests that are yet to be implemented, prioritising feature-requests is something that has to be done strategically - apparently topic likes is a major contributing factor.

As for this feature-request, Roblox already has an OpenCloud publish API and also MessagingService (and a respective OpenCloud API for that too!), so an external tool creator could in-theory solve this problem for them…


Please, please, please, please, please add this. It’s frustrating publishing to each of my places each time I want to update. And If I mess up, I have to do it all again…


This is drastically needed, it takes too much time to manually go through each place in studio and publish changes. If we’re able to update packages in all games in a single click, we should be able to publish too. The only solution I know of is a python script and I’m not real keen on putting sessions and tokens in random scripts.

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