Create triangle out of ONE wedge using 3 points - for dummies

I know that there are discussions about it and even plugins to do it, and there are solutions with meshes and doubled wedges… articles about trigonometry, but after lots of readings and copypasting the codes still do not work for me, because I do not need just to create a triangle, but also place it exactly the way I want.

So, here is the task. I have 3 points in 3D world which represent a triangle. Width and height of the triangle varies, but these are 3 points represent a triangle of 90+30+60 degrees. It means that only one wedge needed, not two.

So, can anyone just give me a function that creates one wedge angles of which lay on exact three coordinates? Or explain how to turn a wedge so it would fit those 3 points which are located on specific coordinates.

Point A: -479.201, 13.861, -5372.727
Point B: -489.936, -31.318, -5380.149
Point C: -467.315 -23.3475 -5383.019

Put wedge with corners on these 3 points. Position of the wedge (as I understand… and could be wrong) is simply in between point A&B. Size of the wedge is knows as well: distance in between A&B & B&C.

Guys, I found a solution… still two wedges, as the function is universal, but it works for my needs.


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