Create User Notification Cloud API returning 404

I’m attempting to use UserNotification cloud API, but the given URL in the documentation is returning 404 upon POST request.

My code:


Documentation doesn’t mention what specific data is required; my API key has the correct universe and access permissions; there is a created notification

The data I’m giving aligns with the sample data on the documentation.

Status: 404

A private message is associated with this bug report

Hey there, you seem to have double cloud in your route (../cloud/cloud/..), what happens if you adjust that?

I guess I overlooked that. I’ve removed the double cloud and now receive a 500 error, which is an improvement.

code: 'UNKNOWN', message: 'Exception was thrown by handler.'

Thanks, and to confirm, this is still with the same payload as in your original message?

Yep, it’s the same payload.,.,.,.,.,.,.

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Should I expect any updates regarding this soon?

I let the team that owns this endpoint know about your thread after the last reply. Just wanted to make sure it wasn’t because of that typo. They’ll respond when they are able to!


I’ve had another look and noticed that my source universe ID was incorrect. I forgot to add universes/ before the universe ID.

The API is working as intended. I would like to mention that from my experiences with the new APIs, a lack of error handling is present. Many instances of Roblox API returning 200 when an error occured or 500 when it’s actually my fault!

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Could you send us bug reports about these specific cases? We’ll definitely want to improve that.

Thanks for your update!

The only other instance that I have recorded is from another bug report.

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I’ll make sure that is tracked internally in our backlog (as I see that the thread is closed out), thanks for the pointer!

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